Nakshatras in Astrology

Discover the 27 Nakshatras: A Comprehensive List with Symbolism and Meanings

Nakshatras are 27 sections of the celestial sky that are located above the common 12 Zodiac constellations in astrology. They are also referred to as Lunar Mansions from historical texts. These sections of the sky are called “Nakshatras”.

List of Nakshatras

List of Nakshatra in Astrology

27 Nakshatra List

Ashwini Nakshatra Ashwini Nakshatra is the first Nakshatra in Astrology, extending from 0° to 13°20′ Aries (Mesha). Varahmihira used the name Ashwini in the 6th century. Ashwini is a tiny Nakshatra that denotes the commencement of any project. The face of a horse is the symbol of this Nakshatra. The deities of Ashwini Nakshatras as the Ashwini Kumars. Ketu is the ruler of Ashwini Nakshatra.

Bharani NakshatraBharani Nakshatra is the second Nakshatra in Astrology, extending from 13°20′ to 26°40′ Aries (Mesha). Bharani is a bright and lively Nakshatra that is inherently dangerous and deceptive. Yoni is the Nakshatra’s symbol (the female organ of reproduction). The deity of this Nakshatra is Yama, the God of Death. Venus is the ruler of Bharani Nakshatra.

Krittika Nakshatra – Krittika Nakshatra is the third Nakshatra in Astrology extending from 26° 40′ Aries (Mesha) to 10° Taurus (Vrishabha). Because it depicts the rise of the Sun, Krittika is a particularly potent Nakshatra. Krittika is also known as the “Star of Fire,” and is associated with a warrior, shine, powerful radiance, physicality, and creativity. A razor is Nakshatra’s symbol. Agni, the God of Fire, is the deity of Krittika Nakshatra.

Rohini Nakshatra – In Vedic astrology, Rohini is the fourth Nakshatra, extending from 10° to 23°20′ Taurus (Vrishabha). The word Rohini comes from the word “Rohan,” which means “to rise” or “to bring into being.” A cart or chariot is Nakshatra’s symbol. The deity of Rohini Nakshatra is Brahma Deva or Prajapati, the creator of the universe. Moon is the ruler of Rohini Nakshatra.

Mrigashira Nakshatra – In Vedic astrology, Mrigashirsha is the fifth Nakshatra, spanning 23° 20′ Taurus (Vrishabha) to 6° 40′ Gemini (Mithuna). Mrigashirsha is a Sanskrit term that combines two Sanskrit words: Mriga, which means an animal, and Shirha, which means head or top of the head. This Nakshatra’s symbol is a deer’s head. Mrigashira Nakshatra’s astronomical names are Meissa and Orionis. Mrigashirsha Nakshatra’s deity is Soma, the Moon’s god. Mars is the ruler of Mrigashira Nakshatra.

Ardra Nakshatra – Ardra is the sixth Nakshatra in Vedic astrology ranging from 6° 40′ to 20° Gemini (Mithuna). The word Ardra means moist or wet and hence the symbol of this Nakshatra is a teardrop, a Diamond, or a Human head. Rudra, the god of destruction is the deity of Ardra Nakshatra. Ardra Nakshatra is ruled by Rahu which is the North lunar node.

Punarvasu Nakshatra – In Vedic astrology, Punarvasu is the seventh Nakshatra, extending from 20° Gemini (Mithuna) to 3°20′ Cancer (Karka). Punarvasu is made up of two words: Punah, which means return, repetition, and Vasu, which means a ray of light, or jewel. A house is Punavasu Nakshatra’s symbol. Punarvasu Nakshatra’s goddess is Aditi, the Mother of the Adityas. Jupiter is the ruler of Punarvasu Nakshatra.

Pushya Nakshatra – In Vedic astrology, Pushya is the eighth Nakshatra, extending from 3°20′ to 16°40′ Cancer (Karka). Pushya Nakshatra is regarded as a fortunate and outstanding Nakshatra. The word Pushya comes from the Sanskrit word Pushti, which signifies nutrition. Arrow is the symbol of this Nakshatra. Pushya Nakshatra’s deity is Brihaspati, the God’s Priest. Saturn is the ruler of Pushya Nakshatra.

Ashlesha NakshatraIn Vedic astrology, Ashlesha is the ninth Nakshatra, with a range of 16°40′ to 30° Cancer (Karka). Coil is the symbol of this Nakshatra. Ashlesha Nakshatra’s deities are Sarpas or Nagas. Mercury is the ruler of Ashlesha Nakshatra.

Magha Nakshatra – In Vedic astrology, Magha is the tenth Nakshatra, with a range of 0’00” degree to 13’20” Leo (Simha). A mansion is the symbol of Magha Nakshatra. Ketu is the ruler of Magha Nakshatra.

Purva Phalguni Nakshatra – In Vedic astrology, Purva Phalguni is the eleventh Nakshatra, with a range of 13°20′ to 26°40′ Leo (Simha). Purva Phalguni is regarded as the Nakshatra of good fortune and riches. Brihaspati was born under this star. A stage or a platform is the symbol of this Nakshatra. Bhaga, the god of good fortune and prosperity is the deity of the Purva Phalguni Nakshatra. Venus rules Purva Phalguni Nakshatra.

Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra – In Vedic astrology, Uttara Phalguni is the twelfth Nakshatra, extending from 26°40′ Leo (Simha) to 10° Virgo (Kanya). Because the Sun is the ruling planet of this Nakshatra, it is also known as the Reddish Nakshatra. This Nakshatra’s symbol is a couch. Aryama, God of patronage and favours, is the deity of Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra.

Hasta Nakshatra – In Vedic astrology, Hasta is the twelfth Nakshatra, extending from 10° to 23°20′ Virgo (Kanya). The hand or fist is the symbol of this Nakshatra. Hasta Nakshatra’s deity is Savithru who bestows creative and transformative energy. Moon is the ruler of Hasta Nakshatra.

Chitra Nakshatra – In Vedic astrology, Chitra is the fourteenth Nakshatra, spanning 23°20′ Virgo (Kanya) to 6°40′ Libra (Tula). The word Chitra refers to someone who sparkles, glitters, or shines brightly. A bright jewel or pearl is Nakshatra’s symbol. Spica is the astrological name for this Nakshatra. Mars is the ruler of Chitra Nakshatra.

Swati Nakshatra – Swati is the Vedic astrology’s fifteenth Nakshatra, running from 6°40′ to 20° Libra (Tula). Swati, which means “sword,” expresses a strong desire for independence. Natives born under the Swati Nakshatra have the ability to “bend with the wind” in order to survive the forces of change they may face. The deity Vayu is the purifier and cleaner who penetrates the universe and keeps life alive. This Nakshatra’s symbol is coral. Arcturus is the astrological name for this Nakshatra. Rahu (north lunar node) is the ruler of Swati Nakshatra.

Vishakha Nakshatra – In Vedic astrology, Vishakha is the sixteenth Nakshatra, extending from 20° Libra (Tula) to 3°20′ Scorpio (Vrishchika). A thoran (decoration of the door), is the symbol of this Nakshatra. Vishakha Nakshatra’s deity is Shakragni, a male combination of Indra, the god of the gods, and Agni, the god of fire. Jupiter is the ruler of Vishakha Nakshatra.

Anuradha Nakshatra – In Vedic astrology, Anuradha is the seventeenth Nakshatra, extending from 3°20′ to 16°40′ Scorpio (Vrishchika). Saturn, the ruling planet, bestows perseverance and discipline when required. The mould of rice is the symbol of this Nakshatra. Anuradha Nakshatra’s deity is Mithra, one of the Adityas of friendliness and collaboration.

Jyeshtha Nakshatra – In Vedic astrology, Jyeshtha is the eighteenth Nakshatra, extending from 16°40′ to 30° Scorpio (Vrishchika). Jyeshtha can also mean “eldest” or ” senior.” An earring is a symbol of this Nakshatra. Jyeshtha Nakshatra’s deity is Indhra, the Supreme God. Mercury rules Jyeshtha Nakshatra.

Moola Nakshatra – In Vedic Astrology, Moola Nakshatra is the nineteenth Nakshatra, extending from 0’00” to 13’20” Sagittarius (Dhanu). Moola Nakshatra is also considered the root of our solar system. The tail of the lion is the symbol of Moola Nakshatra. The deity of Moola Nakshatra is the goddess Nirhuthi. Ketu is the ruler of Moola Nakshatra.

Purva Ashadha Nakshatra – Purva Ashadha is the Vedic astrology’s twentieth Nakshatra, extending from 13°20′ to 26°40′ Sagittarius (Dhanu). Purva Ashadha is a Sanskrit word that signifies “early victory” or “undefeated and unsubdued.” Purvashada Nakshatra natives are endowed with the divine talent of eloquent speaking. Ivory is the symbol of this Nakshatra. Purva Ashadha Nakshatra’s deity is Varuna. Venus rules Purva Ashadha Nakshatra.

Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra – In Vedic astrology, Uttara Ashadha is the twenty-first Nakshatra, extending from 26°40′ Sagittarius Dhanu to 10° Capricorn (Makara). Planks of a bed or small cot are the symbols of this Nakshatra. ‘Later victory’ is how Uttara Ashadha is translated. The deity of Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra is Vishwedhevas, meaning all Vedic gods. Sun rules Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra.

Shravana Nakshatra – Shravana is Vedic astrology’s twenty-second Nakshatra, extending from 10° to 23°20′ Capricorn (Makara). Shravana is a Sanskrit word that means ‘hearing.’ The natives of Shravana Nakshatra are known for their sharp intellect and ability to understand different cultures and spiritual dimensions. The symbol of Shravana Nakshatra is 3 footprints. Aquilae is the astronomical name for this Nakshatra. Shravana Nakshatra’s deity is Vishnu, the universe’s preserver. Moom is the ruler of Shravana Nakshatra.

Dhanishta Nakshatra – In Vedic astrology, Dhanishta is the twenty-third Nakshatra, extending from 23°20′ Capricorn (Makara) to 6°40′ Aquarius (Kumbha). The Indian drum, Mardhala or Mrudhangam, is the Dhanishtha’s symbol, and it represents a love of music. The deity of Dhanishta Nakshatra is Ashtavasu, meaning the 8 elemental gods Mars is the ruler of Dhanishta Nakshatra.

Shatabisha Nakshatra – In Vedic astrology, Shatabhisha is the twenty-fourth Nakshatra, extending from 6°40′ to 20° Aquarius (Kumbha). The symbol for Shatabisha is an empty circle, which represents the lunar mansion’s independence and autonomy. The ruling planet of this Nakshatra, Rahu, denotes a desire to travel and experience new things. Shatabhisha Nakshatra’s deity is Indhra.

Purva Bhadrapada NakshatraPurva Bhadrapada is Vedic astrology’s twenty-fifth Nakshatra, extending from 20° Aquarius (Kumbha) to 3°20′ Pisces (Meena). The natives of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra are intelligent, clever and logical. The 2 legs of a bed is the symbol of this Nakshatra. Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra’s deity is Ajaikapadha. Jupiter rules Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra.

Uttara Bhadrapada NakshatraUttara Bhadrapada is the twenty-sixth Nakshatra in Vedic astrology ranging from 3°20′ to 16°40′ Pisces (Meena). Uttara Bhadrapada is also called ‘the warrior star’. The symbol of this Nakshatra is the two legs of a bed. Ahirbudhnya is the deity of Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra. Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra is ruled by Saturn.

Revati Nakshatra – In Vedic astrology, Revati is the twenty-seventh Nakshatra, extending from 16°40′ to 30° Pisces (Meena). Mridu, or soft, is the nature of Revati Nakshatra. The fish, usually a pair of fish, is the Nakshatra’s symbol. Piscium is the astronomical name for this Nakshatra. The deity of Revati Nakshatra is Pushan, who is the nurturer and defender of travellers and animals. Mercury is the ruler of Revati Nakshatra.

Seven Nakshatra Groups

For the purpose of Muhurta, the Brihat Samhita classifies the Nakshatras in some broad groups that characterize their nature. Each group is favourable for certain types of events, and these events give a fairly good picture of the quality of that group:

Dhruva (fixed) Nakshatras – The Rohini and three Uttaras (Uttara Phalguni, Uttara Ashadha & Uttara Bhadrapada) are called Dhruva or Fixed Nakshatras. To be used for coronations, expiatory rituals, planting of trees, laying the foundation of towns, the commencement of meritorious deeds, sowing seeds and other permanent things.

Tikshna/Daruna (dreadful) Nakshatras Moola, Ardra, Jyestha and Ashlesha Nakshatras fall under the category of Teekshna or Dreadful Nakshatras. These are good for success in attacks, incantations, raising of goblins, imprisonment of others, murder, separation of friends and alliance with kings and the like. So if you care for raising a goblin, wait until the Moon is in one of those nakshatras.

Ugra (Fierce) Nakshatras The three Purvas (Purva Phalguni, Purva Ashadha & Purvabhadrapada), Bharani and Magha are called Ugra or Fierce Nakshatras. They are to be used with success in ruining enemies, destruction, deceit, imprisoning, poisoning, arson, striking with weapons and murders and the like.

Ksipra (Swift) Nakshatras Hasta, Ashwini, and Pushya Nakshatras are termed Ksipra or Swift Nakshatras. They are beneficial for trade, sensual sports, education, decorations (or making ornaments), fine arts, skilled labour (like carpentry, smithy etc.), medical treatment, journey and taking or giving loans etc.

Mridu (Tender) Nakshatras Anuradha, Chitra, Revati and Mrigashira Nakshatras are known as Mridu or Tender Nakshatras. They are used with advantage in making friends, sexual union, use of garments and ornaments, the performance of auspicious ceremonies (like marriage, Upanayana and Cudakarana) and singing.

Mrdutikshna/ Sadharana (Tender-Dreadful) – Krittika and Vishaka Nakshatras are known as Sadharana Nakshatras. These yield mixed results.

Chara (Temporary) – Shravana, Dhanistha, Shatabhisa, Punarvasu and Swati Nakshatras are known as Chara Nakshatras. These are beneficial for ephemeral things.

Since there is no one complete authentic source on Nakshatras, we have to gather our information from several sources. The Brihat Samhita uses Nakshatras in various ways related to mundane astrology (part of the Samhita branch of Astrology). In the Brihat Jataka, interpretations are given for the Moon in the various Nakshatras. Since the Moon rules the mind and emotions, the interpretations should be read as already being adjusted for the limitation of the Moon’s significations. The full significance of the Nakshatra is greater than that.

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