Contact Us

For any questions, to request free astrology guidance, or to inquire about our courses and services, please contact us:

Vidhya Mitra Vedic Foundation
Shastri Nagar, G-Sector,
Jodhpur, Rajasthan – India (342003)

Email: [email protected]
Phone: +91 961-000-1234

1) Paid Consultation – Phone / Video Call / Google Meet

Personalized Vedic Birth Chart Analysis & Guidance

Gain clarity on your life path with our one-of-a-kind personalized Vedic astrology report. This comprehensive analysis includes:

  • Natal chart analysis with planet, house, and nakshatra positions
  • Ashtakvarga system and interpretations
  • Extensive Yogini and Vimshottari Dasha predictions
  • Navamsa (D9) and Dashamsa (D10) charts explained
  • Lal Kitab remedies with Varshaphala
  • Personalized gemstone and mantra guidance

2) Free Astrology Guidance

At Vidhya Mitra, we believe that the wisdom of Vedic astrology should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial situation. That’s why we offer free astrology guidance to those who cannot afford our paid services, as well as to students who are passionate about learning this ancient science.

To request a free horoscope consultation, please send an email to [email protected] with your birth details (date, time, and place of birth). Please note that due to the high volume of requests, it may take some time for us to reply, but we will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.

3) Astrology Courses (Available for Spiritual seekers only)

For those who want to dive deeper into the study of Vedic astrology, we offer comprehensive online courses taught by our expert astrologers. Our courses cover a wide range of topics, from the basics of astrology to advanced techniques for prediction and remediation.

Our course offerings include:

  • Introduction to Vedic Astrology (Beginner Level)
  • Natal Chart Interpretation (Intermediate Level)
  • Predictive Techniques in Vedic Astrology (Advanced Level)
  • Remedial Measures in Vedic Astrology (Advanced Level)

All of our courses are designed to be accessible and engaging, with a mix of video lectures, live Q&A sessions, and practical assignments. Upon completion of each course, students will receive a certificate of achievement from Vidhya Mitra.