Lordship in Astrology>Lord of 1st House in Different Houses

Lord of 1st House in 3rd House in Astrology (1st House Lord in 3rd House)

Lord of 1st House in 3rd House

The Lord of 1st House in 3rd house or 1st House lord in 3rd House in Astrology shows strong initiative, courage, and bravery. Their desires and motives are strong, and so is Their willpower, and most of Their ventures will meet with success. They are likely to have sisters and brothers, which They will benefit from.

Generally, They will try to solve Their problems independently. They may be good with Their hands, crafty and possibly artistic. They are likely to enter into new activities frequently, and the interest you as long as They can experience exciting challenges in them.

What does 1st House in Astrology Signify?

  • The First House represents the birth itself, becoming an individual. It means life overall, the self, and the whole body. Whatever influences the first house will impact the entire life, the personality, the body, and the complexion. Events happening during and shortly after birth also belong to the 1st house.
  • Physically, the 1st house corresponds to the 1st part of our body, the head in general, and the skull and brain.
  • The correspondence with Mesha (Aries) adds physical mobility and overall strength. You have the Lagna lord in this house; therefore, it is substantial.

What does the 3rd House in Astrology Signify?

  • The third house represents the interaction with siblings and is an integral part of the early life experience (before school years).
  • It is a beautiful journey of exploration and discovery, learning to communicate, and building up strength and independence.
  • Physically, the following parts of the body are the shoulders and arms. The significance of arms and hands also brings in manual dexterity.
  • The correspondence with Mithuna (Gemini) adds communication.

Description of Lord of 1st House in 3rd House in Vedic Astrology:

  • Parashara Hora: The native will equal a lion in courage, be endowed with all kinds of wealth, be honourable, have two wives, be intelligent, and be happy.
  • Satya Jatakam: With Shubha Yoga, the person will become famous and influential with his brother’s help. He will be proficient in music or astrology.
  • Sanketa Nidhi: He would be courageous and strong like a lion. He would possess wealth in abundance. He would have good qualities, be respected by all, and status as a king or next to him.
  • Phala Jyotisha: Very brave, wealthy, respected, endowed with two wives, intelligent and happy.
  • Their majority of life force will go into dealing with efforts.
  • They cannot get anything without effort.
  • They are self-made businessmen.
  • Planets in this house get better over time.
  • Their life force is energized.
  • They have the fighting ability.
  • They are very technical with their hands if Mars is in the 3rd house.

What is meant by Sign Lord or Sign Lordship in Astrology?

  • The Sign lordships of the Planets play a vital role in interpreting the birth chart, and it is essential to understand its principles thoroughly.
  • We have seen that each sign has a planetary ruler. We have also seen that each signal corresponds to a house. Whatever is the sign’s ruler becomes the ruler of the corresponding place.
  • The ruler of the house fully represents the house. Wherever the house ruler is placed, it will cause an effect according to the nature of the one or two houses it rules.
  • Even though the ruler fully represents the house, the way the influence is delivered varies greatly depending on the Planets.

If the Sun is sitting in the 3rd house as the lord of the 1st house:

  • They are government administrators.
  • They are proud of their skills.
  • They are very dynamic lion-like actors.
  • They have mastery of handling government affairs.

If the Moon is sitting in the 3rd house as the lord of the 1st house:

  • Their mother is a skilful and courageous person.
  • Their mother gives them the courage to put effort into things.
  • Their mother can be in the communication and media field.
  • Their minds are very creative and always think about communicating to get peace in life.

If Mercury is sitting in the 3rd house as the lord of the 1st house:

  • They are great public speakers.
  • They are mimicking actors.

If Venus is sitting in the 3rd house as the lord of the 1st house:

  • They are great artists. They are great dancers.
  • They are great designers.
  • They do business related to women.

If Mars is sitting in the 3rd house as the lord of the 1st house:

  • They are very technical with their hands if Mars is in the 3rd house.
  • They are aggressive and courageous in their efforts.
  • They are self-made businessmen.
  • Their speech can be aggressive as well.

If Jupiter is sitting in the 3rd house as the lord of the 1st house:

  • They announce the higher divine philosophical knowledge.
  • They use the media to speak about higher divine learning.
  • They can be teachers using media and communication.

If Saturn is sitting in the 3rd house as the lord of the 1st house:

  • They are great mechanics and hard labour.
  • They have organized efforts.
  • They are fearful of getting challenges.

Lord of 1st House (1st House Lord) in Different houses

Lord of 1st House in 1st House
Lord of 1st House in 2nd House 
Lord of 1st House in 4th House
Lord of 1st House in 5th House 
Lord of 1st House in 6th House
Lord of 1st House in 7th House
Lord of 1st House in 8th House
Lord of 1st House in 9th House
Lord of 1st House in 10th House
Lord of 1st House in 11th House
Lord of 1st House in 12th House

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