Lordship in Astrology>Lord of 8th House in Different Houses

Lord of 8th House in 2nd House in Astrology (8th House Lord in 2nd House)

Lord of 8th House in 2nd House

In Lord of 8th House in 2nd House or 8th House Lord in 2nd House in Astrology person may feel quite hesitant in expressing themselves because it makes them feel vulnerable. Financially they experience insecurity as well as experience loss in resources. Due to their feelings of vulnerability, they may develop a tendency to hide the truth and tell a lie.

What does the 8th House in Astrology Signify?

  • After marriage, a lot of readjusting is required. There is a separation of the family one was born in, and one’s stability and integrity are tested. It is a stage in life that can be very vulnerable. If one does things right at this stage, the foundation is in place for long healthy life. This stage is a junction point of past and future, and the 8th house indicates Astrology for that reason.
  • The 8th house corresponds to the lowest part of the trunk, the genitals, anus, and eliminatory system.
  • Scorpio corresponds to the 8th house. Fixed, but ruled by the forceful Mars, add sudden calamities to the 8th house. On the positive side, the sharp and analytical Mars can also add an element of research to this house.

What does the 2nd House in Astrology Signify?

  • The second house represents the family we are born into, which we get immediately after birth. Along with the family, we also get the social status of that family that determines to a certain extent our financial future. Therefore wealth is signified too.
  • Physically, the face is part of the body next to the skull. The look, eyes, nose, and mouth are all signified here, and so are eating and speaking, which are done with the mouth.
  • The correspondence with Taurus (fixed, Earthy and ruled by Shukra. (Venus)) adds.
  • To the signification of wealth and luxuries, you have the Moon in this house. Therefore it is a substantial house.

Description of Lord of 8th House in 2nd House in Vedic Astrology:

  • Parashara Hora: The native will be devoid of bodily vigour, enjoy a little wealth, and not regain lost wealth.
  • Sanketa Nidhi: No courage, would lose wealth permanently.
  • They like to expose a lot of things in life that is discussed within the family.
  • They might be investigating things in life to make a living like a gem dealer, mining work, detective, investigator, astrologer, occultist.
  • They can be dealing as psychic doctors.
  • They can be dealing with life and death scenarios.
  • They can be an insurance salesman.
  • They value good sexual relationships.
  • Their source of earning can be prostitution or a pron star.

What is meant by Sign Lord or Sign Lordship in Astrology?

  • The Sign lordships of the Planets play a vital role in interpreting the birth chart, and it is essential to understand its principles thoroughly.
  • We have seen that each sign has a planetary ruler. We have also seen that each signal corresponds to a house. Whatever is the sign’s ruler becomes the ruler of the corresponding place.
  • The ruler of the house fully represents the house. Wherever the house ruler is placed, it will cause an effect according to the nature of the one or two houses it rules.
  • Even though the ruler fully represents the house, the way the influence is delivered varies greatly depending on the Planets.
  • The planet’s actual effects are a mix of its characteristics and the house (s) it rules.

If the Sun is sitting in the 2nd house as the lord of the 8th house:

  • Their father must have been a detective service.
  • Their father can be a secret government agent.
  • They must be holding a lot of secrets from their father, and their father told them secrets of the world.
  • Their father showed them the value of keeping secrets.
  • They benefit from government sources.

If  the Moon is sitting in the 2nd house as the lord of the 8th house:

  • Their mother showed them a lot of valuable secrets in life.
  • Their mother taught them the deep sciences of the world.
  • Their mother taught them how to deal with ups and downs in life.
  • Their mother accumulated their wealth in the family by going through ups and downs in life.
  • Their mother is a disciplinarian in the family.

If Mercury is sitting in the 2nd house as the lord of the 8th house:

  • With their ability to communicate with people, they get secrets of life.
  • They like to expose and talk about family secrets out in the world.
  • They love to search for the deep and want to write and communicate about it.
  • They are a journalist who talks about secrets.
  • They are natural businessmen.
  • They can be a financial manager.

If Venus is sitting in the 2nd house as the lord of the 8th house:

  • They love to make relations in secrecy.
  • They are the deep dramatic artist.
  • They get a lot of ups and downs in marriage.
  • They attract people who are exceptionally sexual, and they take advantage of their assets.

If Mars is sitting in the 2nd house as the lord of the 8th house:

  • They have a lot of power struggles in the family concerning wealth.
  • They have sudden ups and downs with their brother.
  • Their spouse gets in a power struggle with the family about finance.
  • They want to dominate their family members regarding assets.
  • They get an aggressive spouse.

If Jupiter is sitting in the 2nd house as the lord of the 8th house:

  • They may value spiritual higher philosophical knowledge.
  • They do a lot of public speaking regarding secrets.
  • They are financial analysts, stockbrokers.
  • They are into the occult.
  • They can be earning being an astrologer.

If Saturn is sitting in the 2nd house as the lord of the 8th house:

  • They might be into the insurance business.
  • Their in-laws and spouse must have been very old.
  • Their relationship with their in-laws is very distant.
  • They can be a government administrator.

Lord of 8th House (8th HouseLord) in Different Houses

Lord of 8th House in 1st House
Lord of 8th House in 3rd House
Lord of 8th House in 4th House
Lord of 8th House in 5th House
Lord of 8th House in 6th House
Lord of 8th House in 7th House
Lord of 8th House in 8th House
Lord of 8th House in 9th House
Lord of 8th House in 10th House
Lord of 8th House in 11th House
Lord of 8th House in 12th House

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