Yogas in Astrology

What is Shukra Yoga in Astrology?

Many yogas and doshas are formed in our birth chart by placements of particular planets in particular houses with certain conjunctions and specific aspects. Shukra yoga is one of the essential and well-known yogas in astrology.

Yogas are auspicious combinations of conjunctions, placements of planets formed by planets placement in different houses and signs. According to their birth chart, these yogas are planets’ movements that result in considerable changes in native life.

Shukra Yoga in Astrology

As we know from its name, Shukra yoga in astrology means auspicious yoga created by the placement of planet Venus with other planets in different houses and signs.

A person gets all the blessings of the planet Venus. The planet Venus is essential in our life as the Venus in astrology represents money in cash, luxuries, love and marriage, relationships, valuable assets like diamonds and other precious gems, art and culture, all the beautiful things, physical beauty and charm of women and physical appearance of a man too, elegance, marital happiness and everyone in this world needs all these things.

As auspicious Shukra Yoga blesses the native with everything related to planet Shukra (Venus).

How Shukra Yoga is formed?

For every yoga to form in the birth chart, there are some particular planets particular houses and signs are involved, and there are some rules to develop that yoga and gain benefits through that fully so this yoga also have some rules as:

  • Along with other planets like Sun, Moon, and Mercury, Venus forms Shukra Yoga as Budh Shukra Yoga, Surya Shukra Yoga, and Chandra Shukra Yoga.
  • Moon and Vennus Conjunction in different houses and different signs forms Chandra Shukra Yoga. Both planets should be beneficially placed to get the good results of this yoga; if any planet is malefic, then result will not be the same.
  • Sun and Venus Conjunction in different houses and different signs forms Surya Shukra Yoga. Both planets should be beneficially placed to get the good results of this yoga. If any planet is malefic, then the result will not be the same.
  • Venus and Mercury Conjunction in different houses and different signs forms Budh Shukra yoga. Both planets should be beneficially placed to get the good results of this yoga; if any planet is malefic, then the result will not be the same.
  • Any malefic influences over the given house can change the benefits less effectively or diminish all the good results, so all these things should be checked.
  • Native’s full birth chart should be analyzed to see if yoga is formed to the level of giving its good results and benefits.
  • Yoga gives more benefits under the Mahadasha and Antardasha of the planets of houses involved in forming this yoga.

What are the significance and effects of this yoga? | Shukra Yoga Effects

  • The native will get all the benefits of planets, Venus, as Venus rules many essential things like money in cash, luxuries, love and marriage, relationships, valuable assets like diamonds and other precious gems, art and culture, all the beautiful things, physical beauty and charm of women and physical appearance of a man too, elegance, marital happiness and sexual abilities.
  • In Chandra Shukra Yoga, natives will have a perfect relationship with their mother but face differences of opinion with their mother.
  • They will have immovable assets and will enjoy them.
  • They will be mentally strong, but mental disturbances will come from Venus and the Moon Mahadasha and antardasha.
  • In Budh Shukra Yoga, natives will become more sharp, intelligent, and creative, and they will look more young if both planets are beneficially placed, but if they are not well established, they can face problems related to these two planets.
  • In Surya Shukra Yoga, natives will attain authority in some powerful organization. They will be a leader there if these both planets are well placed, naive will be benefitted by good sides of these planets if male finally put them then they will face bad results of these planets.

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