Conjunctions in Astrology

Sun Moon Mercury Ketu Conjunction in Astrology

Sun Moon Mercury Ketu Conjunction

In the Sun Moon Mercury Ketu Conjunction in Vedic Astrology, there is a significant disconnection between the parents of the native. They may have quit at a young time, or, the bond between their parents and natives was distant and cold. It was also lacking understanding.

Sun in Astrology: ego, self expression, soul, personality, father, vitality, and karaka of 10th house (career).

Moon in Astrology: mother, emotions, sensuality, mind, feelings, thoughts, imagination, fertility, and fame.

Mercury in Astrology: intelligence, communication, speech, logic, education, analytical skills, calculative skills, education, business, trading and language skills.

Ketu in Astrology: isolation, separation, ashram, spirituality, enlightenment, detachment from material world, psychic intuition, occult and mystical knowledge, universal.

Characteristics of Sun Moon Mercury Ketu Conjunction in Astrology

  • There is a great disconnect with the native’s parents.
  • They either left at an early age, or the relationship between the parents and the native was very distant and cold, and lacked understanding.
  • If Ketu has the highest degree, this scenario is likely.
  • The personality of the native can be greatly affected with the loss of identity and ego.
  • The mind is too impulsive, and the intelligence of the native suffers if such a conjunction occurs in the 8th or 12th House.
  • In the 6th House, Mercury and the Sun do quite well.
  • This creates a great mathematician, doctor, healer, occultist, shaman, or spiritual guide.
  • Overall, this makes for a very awkward personality who thinks and behaves differently from the rest of the crowd.
  • Having such a conjunction in a water sign or water sign ruling nakshatra can create a mentally disturbed person.
  • They have the burden of thinking through emotions with such energy like Ketu and Mercury causing chaos and lack of logic.
  • Such a conjunction in an earth sign or fire sign can prove very beneficial.
  • If Ketu has the highest degree, it will still create separation from things related to each planet, which can also lead to an incomplete education.

What is the Sun in Astrology?

  • Sun in Astrology represents the Soul, so it tells us how conscious we are of our soul’s unbounded, enlightened nature.
  • A Sun that is very well placed in the chart can indicate a particular clarity about spiritual matters, and an unperturbed sense of who we are deep inside.
  • Having this “solar light” shining brightly brings self-confidence, personal power, leadership and health.
  • When the Sun is in a challenging position in Vedic Astrology, this light will not shine as much, and it is hard for the individual to trust that the core of their being is the individualized reflection of the divine light.
  • Not experiencing the connection with one’s own inner source of power will then lead to weak self-confidence, challenging relationships with authorities, and difficulty in balancing one’s ego with that of others.

What is the Moon in Astrology?

  • The Moon in Astrology represents our mind and mother. The condition of the Moon in the chart will show how enlightened we are in experiencing the Divine Mother within us, how clearly we can feel that our ability to nurture and empathize with others is unbounded and unlimited, and how brightly our mind can shine in sensitivity and comprehension.
  • A person with a very well-placed Moon will feel the world is bright under any circumstance, will be able to experience the world as a place that is nourishing and supporting, and therefore be the same to the world him/herself.
  • When the Moon in the Astrology Chart is challenged, the mind will have shadows and dark corners, and fear that there is a shortage of support to carry us through; it blocks our eyes from seeing the Divine Mother shine for us and through us.
  • Moon in Vedic Astrology represents the mind. It signifies the thoughts and emotions, and the complex psychological faculty that takes input from the senses and tells the body how to respond.
  • The Moon is the single most important planet in Astrology (Jyotish) because the state of mind is responsible for all the emotional responses to life, and therefore defines the subjective perception of life.
  • Conditions affecting the Moon (Chandra) in the chart influence the thinking and feeling processes, mental skills and attitudes, and also responses to the world at large.

What is Mercury in Astrology?

  • Mercury in Astrology is known as the prince. Since he is a royal, he takes his duty as the messenger seriously. This is why Mercury is also intelligent, because in order for anyone to have good communication, one needs to be intelligent.
  • Mercury is also our business and management skills due to his calculative and logical nature, and love for the marketplace.
  • One thing you must remember about Mercury is that because it is a neutral natural, it can become benefic and malefic at the same time.
  • If Mercury is in conjunction with a natural benefic, then it acts like a benefic planet. If Mercury is with a natural malefic planet, then it acts like a malefic.
  • If Mercury is with both natural malefic and benefic as in Venus, Mercury, and Saturn, then look at the difference in degrees in all three of them.
  • The closest degree to Mercury will influence Mercury more, however if Venus and Saturn are both within 5 degrees of Mercury, then it gives mixed results.

What is Ketu in Astrology?

  • This shadow planet represents spirituality, nothingness, and goals that we already achieved in past lives.
  • In this life we are here to only rely on those things as a last resort.
  • The house and sign in which Ketu sits are in things we are not fond of, and we do not obsess about those things as much because subconsciously we know we have already dealt with them.
  • If we didn’t accomplish those things in a past life, that would be seen by Ketu’s bad placement in a bad sign.
  • This will show a tug of war between both Rahu and Ketu. Ketu also searches for truth and enlightenment.
  • Ketu’s aspect and conjunction gives research ability to a person especially when it’s in conjunction or aspects the Moon and Mercury.
  • Depending upon the house Ketu is in, it will make you either less needy of what that house represents, or will give you less desire to get the things related to that house.
  • Ketu feels like he’s already experienced the things of the house he sits in.
  • It feels that it has mastery over the things related to the house it’s placed in.
  • Ketu is the part which you shouldn’t really care about too much as it will manifest itself without you even thinking about it.
  • Ketu is isolation, enlightenment, spirituality, occult, silence, psychic intuition, discomfort and mysticism.

What are Conjunctions in Astrology?

Conjunction simply means union of planets. In any birth chart, when two or more planets are sitting in the same house, they are considered in conjunction. There are all types of conjunctions: loose conjunctions, exact conjunctions, close conjunctions and virtual conjunctions.

What does a conjunction really do in an astrological birth chart? They give meaning to your life and set a purpose. They either take away things or give you things. There are positive and negative effects of conjunction. Positive effects are known as yogas and negative effects are known as doshas.

Planets are simply energies, and when two different types of energy come together, they create a new type of energy or a mutant energy. The new type of energy brings a situation in your life that fulfills the destiny of that conjunction.

Note for 4 Planetary Conjunctions

This is where things get a bit confusing for the native, especially in terms of personality and general significance. Several energies are mixing with each other creating a unique blend. One must still judge who is winning the planetary war by sign placement and degree placement. A planet in his or her own sign that is being exalted will be more powerful, while the planet with the lowest degrees, (other than Rahu and Ketu) will have the most positive influence on the winner of the war.

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