Planets in Astrology>Rahu in Astrology

What to expect during each phase of the Rahu cycle?

The Rahu cycle is made up of eight distinct phases, each lasting about 45 days.

  1. During the first phase, also known as “seed,” we may feel a lack of direction or a sense of lost purpose. This can be a difficult time, but it is important to remember that seeds need darkness and stillness in order to grow.
  2. The second phase, “sprout,” brings new energy and potential growth opportunities.
  3. The third phase, “root,” encourages us to establish strong foundations and consolidate our resources.
  4. In the fourth phase, “shoot,” we may experience dramatic progress and expansion in our goals and ambitions.
  5. The fifth phase, “flower,” brings feelings of creativity, enjoyment, and abundance.
  6. The sixth phase, “harvest,” is a time to reap the fruits of our labor and open ourselves up to receiving benefits and rewards.
  7. The seventh phase, “decline,” involves releasing things that no longer serve us and letting go of attachments.
  8. And finally, in the eighth phase, “rest,” we enter a period of reflection and introspection before beginning the cycle again with the seed phase.

By being aware of the energy during each phase of the Rahu cycle, we can align ourselves with its natural flow for greater spiritual growth and fulfillment.