Yogas in Astrology

What is Vashi Yoga in Astrology?

Many yogas and doshas are formed in our birth chart by placements of particular planets in particular houses with certain conjunctions and specific aspects. Vashi yoga is one of the essential and well-known yogas in astrology.

Yogas are auspicious combinations of conjunctions, placements of planets formed by planets placement in different houses and signs. According to their birth chart, these yogas are planets’ movements that result in considerable changes in native life.

Vashi Yoga in Astrology

Vashi yoga in astrology is one of the essential yogas which is formed by the Sun. Vashi Yoga is auspicious yoga, and its formation brings positivity and auspiciousness into native’s life who has this yoga in their birth chart. Native gets all the blessings of planet Sun.

The planet Sun in astrology denotes King, authority, government, pride, aggression, royalty, soul, Spirituality, ego, so natives get benefits in all the sun-related fields.

There are 3 Yogas formed with the planet Sun: Veshi Yoga, Vashi Yoga, and Ubhayachari Yoga. All these Yogas are created when planets around the Sun except the Moon. The Moon has not been included in the formation of the Sun’s Yogas.

How Vashi Yoga is formed?

For every yoga to form in the birth chart, there are some particular planets particular houses and signs are involved, and there are some rules to develop that yoga and gain benefits through that fully so this yoga also have some rules as:

  • If there is more than one planet in any house except for the Moon, Vashi Yoga is formed.
  • The placement of Moon, Rahu or Ketu in the same house with Sun is not considered the formation of this yoga. So one or more than one planet other than Moon, Rahu and Ketu Must be conjunct in the house before the house of placement of Sun in a horoscope for the formation of Vashi Yoga in that horoscope.
  • More conditions should be checked to see the proper results of the yoga, like, if the Sun is beneficial in the birth chart, yoga will give more benefits.
  • If other conjuncted planets placed are also beneficial, then yoga will give better results.
  • Any malefic aspects over the given house can change the benefits less effectively or diminish all the good results, so all these things should be checked.
  • Native’s full birth chart should be analyzed to see if yoga is formed to the level of giving its good results and benefits.
  • Yoga gives more benefits under the Mahadasha and Antardasha of the planets of houses involved in forming this yoga.

What are the significance and effects of this yoga? | Vashi Yoga Effects

  • Native is financially very excellent and get name and fame in society.
  • They have a very strong physique and a robust upper body.
  • They are very intelligent and have a sharp memory.
  • They are virtuous, skilful and hard working.
  • They are trustworthy and honest.
  • They follow the righteous and moral path in whatever they do.
  • They are loved and respected by authority and father figures.
  • They are very good at mathematics.
  • They are man and person of their words.
  • They always get benefits from the government.
  • They can be an officer in the government.
  • If vashi yoga is formed with Jupiter, then the native is very spiritual and religious and has a hard belief system.
  • They respect their relations and remain loyal and committed to one person.
  • If Vashi yoga is formed by mercury, then the native is intelligent with a pious mind. Sometimes they get overconfident and egoistic, but their heart is pure.
  • If Vashi yoga is formed with Mars, then the native is philanthropic and very courageous and action-oriented and gets a high position in government as general and chief of military and police.

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