Planets in Astrology>Rahu in Astrology

What is the best way to deal with Rahu’s volatility?

Rahu, one of the nine celestial bodies in Vedic Astrology, is known for its unpredictable nature. Its volatile energy can be both a blessing and a curse, depending on how you approach it. To make the most of Rahu’s influence, you must first understand its volatility and learn how to channel it in a positive way.

Understanding Rahu’s Energy

Firstly, it is important to have an understanding of what makes up Rahu’s energy. This planet represents illusion, delusion, obsession and greed as well as transformation and liberation. When these energies are out of balance they can lead us down a path of insecurity and chaos. On the other hand, when used correctly these energies can provide us with great opportunities for growth and progress.

Acknowledge Your Feelings

The first step in dealing with Rahu’s volatility is to acknowledge your feelings without judgment or criticism. Try to observe them objectively by not attaching any labels or expectations on them. This will help you become aware of how you are feeling in each moment so that you can take steps to make changes if needed. Additionally, it will allow you to create space for yourself amidst the chaos so that you can gain better insight into what is happening around you without getting overwhelmed by it all.

Be Open To Change

Once you have acknowledged your feelings, let go of any expectations or patterns that may be preventing you from seeing things clearly. Allow yourself to be open-minded and explore new possibilities without being attached to any particular outcome or results.

Being open-minded allows us to see things from different perspectives which helps us understand how our actions may affect others as well as ourselves in the long run. Additionally, this will give us more insight into how we can best navigate through challenging situations and create positive change for ourselves and those around us.


Rahu’s volatile energy can be seen as both a blessing and a curse depending on how we approach it; however, with proper guidance and understanding, we can use it as an opportunity for growth instead of letting it overwhelm us. By taking time each day for meditation and self-reflection we can gain insight into ourselves which will allow us to better manage our thoughts, emotions and actions so that we can harness the potential presented by this powerful celestial body without being swept away by its turbulence!