Planets in Astrology>Rahu in Astrology

What are the best ways to deal with the negative aspects of Rahu in Vedic astrology?

  • Rahu is the planet responsible for spiritual growth and enlightenment, but it can also bring about negative effects in one’s life.
  • There are some simple steps we can take to mitigate the negativity associated with this planet and create a more positive environment for ourselves, such as:
  • Invoking the energy of Lord Vishnu through meditation or rituals such as performing a havan, observing fasts; and offering water at crossroads every Saturday morning before sunrise.

In Vedic astrology, Rahu is the planet responsible for spiritual growth and enlightenment. However, it can also bring about negative effects in one’s life. From financial problems to health issues, the negative aspects of Rahu can be difficult to manage. Thankfully, there are some simple steps we can take to mitigate the negativity associated with this planet and create a more positive environment for ourselves.

Invoke the Energy of Lord Vishnu

The energy of Lord Vishnu is said to be able to counteract many of the undesirable effects caused by Rahu. To do this, you should recite Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram daily or perform havan with offerings such as ghee and sandalwood paste. Doing so will help purify your aura and balance out any negative energy that is present in your environment. Additionally, meditating on Lord Vishnu can help to bring peace and harmony into your life.

Observe a Fast Once a Week

Fasting is a great way to show devotion to God and pacify Rahu’s malefic effects in one’s life. The best day of the week for fasting is Saturdays since it represents Shani Dev – another powerful deity who can help you get rid of all the bad luck that may have been brought on by Rahu’s presence in your chart. When observing a fast, make sure not to eat anything after sunrise until after sunset except for some fruit or milk if you feel weak from hunger during the day. This practice will help cleanse your body from within and provide mental clarity as well as spiritual awakening which will greatly benefit those under Rahu’s influence.

Offer Water at Crossroads

Crossroads represent change, transformation, and new beginnings – all things that are beneficial when dealing with negative energies like those associated with Rahu. Every Saturday morning before sunrise, pour some water at any crossroad while reciting mantras dedicated to Shani Dev or chanting “Om Namah Shivaya” 108 times in order to invoke his divine blessings upon yourself and ward off any difficulties caused by Rahu in your chart. This practice should be done continuously for 40 days straight without fail in order to reap its full benefits!


Overall, dealing with negative aspects of Rahu in Vedic astrology requires dedication and perseverance on our part but it is possible! By invoking the energy of Lord Vishnu through meditation or rituals such as performing a havan; observing fasts; and offering water at crossroads every Saturday morning before sunrise – we can effectively mitigate any malefic effects that may have been brought on by this planet’s presence in our charts! We just need faith that these practices will work their magic over time!