Planets in Astrology>Rahu in Astrology

The Gifts that Rahu Can Offer in Vedic Astrology.

  • Gain worldly success and material gains with Rahu’s blessings
  • Sudden success and unexpected wealth are some of Rahu’s notable gifts
  • Excellent planet for those seeking positions of authority or titles of honor
  • Helps in the overall development of one’s body and mind

In Vedic astrology, Rahu is known to have a unique ability to provide worldly success and material gains when it is favorably placed. While Rahu’s cravy nature often gives rise to temptation, ambition, aggression and attraction for negative qualities, when placed in good combination with other planets in a birth chart it can bring strong fame and power as well. The notable gifts offered by Rahu are the desire for a good position in society related to work or profession, sudden success and unexpected wealth.

Additionally, Rahu is an excellent planet for those seeking positions of authority or titles of honor. Its Mahadasha period of 18 years helps in the overall development of one’s body and mind if all aspects are properly taken care of during this period. Those who understand the spiritual aspects of Rahu also gain mental stability, as they may develop a kind and compassionate attitude towards life with cures given by this planet to all desires coming out of improper use of materials.