Ascendants in Astrology>Virgo (Kanya) Ascendant

Sun in 7th House for Virgo Ascendant in Astrology

Sun in 7th House for Virgo Ascendant in Astrology

They are very imaginative and artistic. Their spouse is a free soul who doesn’t like any restriction and clinging, and nor do they do, and natives can face emotional issues with this kind of spouse if they are conservative in their thoughts.

What does the Sun Represent in Vedic Astrology?

  • Sun in astrology represents the soul, which can read in the world’s most flexible and general sense.
  • The word soul is used for the deepest and truest nature, the ultimate sense of identity, inspiration, and aspiration.
  • Surya signifies one’s essential attributes – the sense of self, ego, self-esteem, a sense of purpose, and so on.
  • Energies and conditions that arise from the Sun’s placement in a horoscope, along with the influences that the Sun receives, will be experienced in life as deep, long-term trends and processes that impact one’s life as a whole.

What does Virgo Ascendant in Astrology Signify?

  • The native-born in Virgo ascendant is beautiful, beautiful with phlegm and gall nature.
  • Thoughtful, childlike, defeated by a woman, timid, elusive, sad-bodied with lust, skilful in kamikrida, with many qualities and skills, always happy, beautiful woman achiever, make-up dear, Gross and simple-bodied, big-eyed, loving, taciturn, fraternal male, interested in mathematics and religion, profound, high-spirited and childlike, travel-loving, clever, delicate temperament, disguises his point of mind, childhood it is happy, moderate in the middle and in the final state is painful.
  • The native is promoted between the ages of 24 to 36 years. During this period, he increases his wealth and luxury.

Sun in 7th House for Virgo Ascendant in Astrology

Sun in 7th House for Virgo Ascendant

What does the 7th House in Astrology Signify?

  • The 7th house is opposite the 1st. The act of marriage takes us as far away as possible from who we are by ourselves: it is an agreement to live with, to accept, to love, and to support someone who may be different from yourself.
  • Marriage brings about relations with the in-laws and people in general. Marriage is also likely to bring travel, as at least part of the family is not under the same roof.
  • The lower part of the belly (the region below the navel, according to Parashara) is next in line. This includes the large intestines and kidneys.
  • Libra corresponds to the 7th house. Movable, ruled by Shukra (Venus), reinforces marriage, social interactions, and travel.

Auspicious Results of Sun in the 7th house for Virgo Ascendant:

  • They develop a very peaceful sense of personality in their life.
  • Their subconscious is very active.

Inauspicious Results of Sun in the 7th House for Virgo Ascendant:

  • Any person they will run into for business or marriage or their partners are pretty carefree and don’t take anything so seriously in a relationship. Their partners do not want to exert their energy working towards the relationship.
  • They have emotional battles with their spouse.

Personality, Work-life, Relationship and Areas of Interest:

  • Any person they will run into for business or marriage or their partners are pretty carefree and don’t take anything so seriously in a relationship. Their partners do not want to exert their energy working towards the relationship.
  • Their partners are ok with being at peace with themselves.
  • Their partner accepts them as to how they are and wants the same from them.
  • They have emotional battles with their spouse.
  • They spend a lot of energy on their relationships.
  • They spend a lot of money and resources for spouses and businesses.
  • They get a person as a spouse who is complete within themselves.
  • Their spouse comes from foreign lands or travels to foreign lands a lot.
  • Their spouse can take them to a foreign land.
  • Their subconscious is very active.
  • Their dreams are very creative and imaginative.
  • They develop a very peaceful sense of personality in their life.
  • They want to be with chill people.
  • They love hanging out with people.
  • Their spouse can leave them alone because they want to live independently.
  •  The native is very weak.
  • The native experiences some hardships and weakness in the company of his wife.
  • The native is not happy with her.
  • The native feels some dullness in sexual pleasures.
  • The native is restless and arrogant. He pursues his business carelessly and earns some income to manage his expenditure.
  • The native has an emaciated body and is restless when obliged to incur expenditure and miserable domestic life.
  • The native is always worried.

Prediction of Planets in Various Houses for Virgo Ascendant

Sun in Different Houses for Virgo Ascendant

Moon in Different Houses for Virgo Ascendant:-

Mercury in Different Houses for Virgo Ascendant

Venus in Different Houses for Virgo Ascendant

Mars in Different Houses for Virgo Ascendant

Jupiter in Different Houses for Virgo Ascendant

Saturn in Different Houses for Virgo Ascendant

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