Conjunctions in Astrology

Moon Venus Mars Saturn Conjunction in Astrology

Moon Venus Mars Saturn Conjunction

The mind of native with Moon Venus Mars Saturn Conjunction in Astrology is very troubled due to the conflict being initiated through Mars as well as Saturn. The mind is under constant tension from women as well as family members. Moon and Venus each are being snubbed between two fantastic malefic.

Moon in Astrology: mother, emotions, sensuality, mind, feelings, thoughts, imagination, fertility, and fame.

Venus in Astrology: love, relationship, desire, pleasure, luxurious foods, culture, family history, beauty, comfort, art, creativity, lust and sexuality.

Mars in Astrology: efforts, energy, will power, stamina, strength, passion, fighting ability, impulsivity, accidents, injuries, wounds, sports, athlete, martial arts, weaponry, engineer.

Saturn in Astrology: responsibility, organization, structure, delay, separation, grief, life span as in longevity, antique items, old people, chronic illnesses, fear, anxiety, labor work, lower class, lower type jobs, construction.

Characteristics of Moon Venus Mars Saturn Conjunction in Astrology 

The mind is quite disturbed here due to the war being created by Mars and Saturn. The mind is in constant pressure from other women and family members. Moon and Venus both are being hemmed between two great malefic. This can not only delay marriage, but can bring abuse from the spouse if married too early. Such people can either have very high will power or no will power at all depending upon who is willing the war. If Venus wins the war by sign and degree that means Saturn would benefit from it more and Mars would lose along with Moon. Since our will power comes from the mind, it will not be accessed by Mars to gain his strength. Such people can be very good in art, media, business or as engineers and mechanics. They also make very good architects. The native should marry late in life, around the age of 35. The spouse could be in the media or engineering field.

What is the Moon in Astrology?

  • The Moon in Astrology represents our mind and mother. The condition of the Moon in the chart will show how enlightened we are in experiencing the Divine Mother within us, how clearly we can feel that our ability to nurture and empathize with others is unbounded and unlimited, and how brightly our mind can shine in sensitivity and comprehension.
  • A person with a very well-placed Moon will feel the world is bright under any circumstance, will be able to experience the world as a place that is nourishing and supporting, and therefore be the same to the world him/herself.
  • When the Moon in the Astrology Chart is challenged, the mind will have shadows and dark corners, and fear that there is a shortage of support to carry us through; it blocks our eyes from seeing the Divine Mother shine for us and through us.
  • Moon in Vedic Astrology represents the mind. It signifies the thoughts and emotions, and the complex psychological faculty that takes input from the senses and tells the body how to respond.
  • The Moon is the single most important planet in Astrology (Jyotish) because the state of mind is responsible for all the emotional responses to life, and therefore defines the subjective perception of life.
  • Conditions affecting the Moon (Chandra) in the chart influence the thinking and feeling processes, mental skills and attitudes, and also responses to the world at large.

What is Venus in Vedic Astrology?

  • Venus represents the convenience of luxurious items like a car, air conditioning, clothing, jewelry, wealth, and beauty inside the home.
  • Since Venus signifies pleasure, it can be any kind of pleasure: sex, art, entertainment, interior decoration, beauty pageants, or anything else related to having fun.
  • Venus in a man’s chart also shows his wife, or the type of women he comes across in life. Venus signifies marriage for both men and women.

What is Mars in Vedic Astrology?

  • Mars is a soldier who stands for his beliefs. Wherever it is placed in your horoscope, you stand for those beliefs, and that’s where your energy goes.
  • Mars is energy. It’s our will power and vitality. Mars represents our ability to take action towards something.
  • It also represents the anger we carry within us, as a soldier needs to have a certain level of anger within him to fight and win the battle.
  • In this day and age, Mars represents policemen, soldiers, athletes, warlords, arms dealers, and fighters, along with manufacturing, accidents, injuries, and dealing with explosives.
  • Mars also represents male friends and the Sun represents royalty, so these people can be in contact with friends  who are of a higher status in society, perhaps sons of politicians and celebrities.

What is Saturn in Vedic Astrology?

  • Saturn in Astrology represents grief, symbolic of how we relate to time.
  • When time seems to pass too slowly, we experience grief.
  • The condition of Saturn in the chart shows how permanent, eternal, and synchronized our connection with the light of consciousness is, being with us at even the most challenging times.
  • A well placed Saturn shows the person knows when to go slow and when to go fast, to always let this light be there for them.
  • By acknowledging the limits of where light can go in our relative existence, we can still maintain the experience of beings of light.
  • A challenging Saturn will allow the person to stray off-limits, where no light can reach and suffering prevails.
  • Without Saturn being bright, the person may wonder if things will ever be okay again.
  • Saturn in Vedic Astrology represents your uncle, the type of boss you’ll have, your good and bad deeds in this life or the past, how hard will you work, your true career and wealth, your level of maturity, and aspects of your life that might be restricted for at least 50% of the time.
  • Even though Saturn in Vedic Astrology limits your ability of certain aspects of your life depending upon the sign and house its ruling, it usually frees you up from its aftermath after the age of 35 per Vedic astrology.
  • Saturn is limitation, restriction, discipline, structure, order, law, obstacles, delay, focus, and separation.
  • Saturn is the General of the Army.

What are Conjunctions in Astrology?

Conjunction simply means union of planets. In any birth chart, when two or more planets are sitting in the same house, they are considered in conjunction. There are all types of conjunctions: loose conjunctions, exact conjunctions, close conjunctions and virtual conjunctions.

What does a conjunction really do in an astrological birth chart? They give meaning to your life and set a purpose. They either take away things or give you things. There are positive and negative effects of conjunction. Positive effects are known as yogas and negative effects are known as doshas.

Planets are simply energies, and when two different types of energy come together, they create a new type of energy or a mutant energy. The new type of energy brings a situation in your life that fulfills the destiny of that conjunction.

Note for 4 Planetary Conjunctions

This is where things get a bit confusing for the native, especially in terms of personality and general significance. Several energies are mixing with each other creating a unique blend. One must still judge who is winning the planetary war by sign placement and degree placement. A planet in his or her own sign that is being exalted will be more powerful, while the planet with the lowest degrees, (other than Rahu and Ketu) will have the most positive influence on the winner of the war.

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