Ascendants in Astrology>Cancer (Karka) Ascendant

Moon in 8th House for Cancer Ascendant in Astrology

Moon in 8th House for Cancer Ascendant in Vedic Astrology | VidhyaMitra Vedic Astrology

Moon in 8th House for Cancer Ascendant in Vedic Astrology

Moon in 8th House for Cancer Ascendant is in the sign of Aquarius and represents a natural interest in hidden things or conspiratorial things. The native may experience paranormal activities or out of body experiences. The native will be interested in activism and social reforms against abuse.

Characteristics of Moon in 8th House for Cancer Ascendant

  • The native of Moon in 8th house for Cancer ascendant seeks isolation and solitude.
  • The native will be a natural psychic.
  • The native will be intuitive.
  • The native will try to love the world.
  • The native will experience natural sadness.
  • The native will go to multiple doctors before finding the correct cure for his illness.
  • The native should ask his brother for a doctor.
  • The native will get the family inheritance.
  • The native will be the ‘black sheep’ of the family.
  • The native does not seek or get happiness from his own family.
  • The native will be interested in research.
  • The native will be a secretive musician.

Moon in 8th House for Cancer Ascendant

Moon in 8th House for Cancer Ascendant

Auspicious Results of Moon in 8th House for Cancer Ascendant

  • The native gets the advantage of a long span of life and the benefit of inheritance.
  • The native does difficult work and consistently tries to earn more wealth.
  • The native manages the family expenditure by his intelligence and wisdom.
  • The native feels happy in foreign countries.
  • The native is gentle but careless sometimes.

Inauspicious Results of Moon in 8th House for Cancer Ascendant

  • The native with Moon in 8th House for Cancer Ascendant is physically weak.
  • The native with Moon in 8th House for Cancer Ascendant lacks energy and strength.
  • The native may experience separation from brothers and sisters.

What does 8th House signify Vedic Astrology?

The 8th House rules the death and rebirth of a person or how one rises after a great fall in their life. This house also shows money through in-laws and friends as loans from them. Financial loans for home or business are also shown from this house.

Deep-rooted issues of one’s life and one’s interests or lack of interests in the mystical world such as astrology, magic, tantric practices, and ghosts are shown from this house. 8th house also represents the life span of a person. This is simply the house of the occult.

Government taxes, spies, and business-related secret government dealings are seen from the 8th house. The 8th house is a death-inflicting house (Marka House), as the 8th house deals with things buried deep beneath the earth.

Physically, the 8th House corresponds to the lowest part of the trunk, the genitals, anus, and the eliminatory system. Scorpio corresponds to the 8th house and adds the signification of sudden calamities.

What does Moon represents in Vedic Astrology?

  • Moon in Astrology represents your mother, or motherly figures, your emotional response to your environment, and your imagination since the Moon is your mind.
  • The Moon shows the way a native thinks and reacts to the situation.
  • A good moon in your horoscope or birth chart in astrology will make the following things beneficial or auspicious, i.e., your relationship with your mother and your mind will be calm & you will be a creative being.
  • If the moon is unfavourably placed in your horoscope, then it may ruin the relationship with your mother.

What does Cancer Ascendant in Astrology signify?

  • The native born in the ‘Cancer’ Ascendant (Lagna) is a lover of water sports and confectionery.
  • The native is generous, affectionate, humble, intelligent, pious, forgiving, godly, friendly, and wealthy.
  • The native may sometimes reside in a place other than his place of birth.
  • The native may have a thin but powerful body.
  • The sign of Cancer is ruled by the Moon, which makes these natives peaceful, kind, romantic, and gentle in nature.
  • The Moon compels the natives to feel first and think later, giving a sympathetic and receptive nature.

Prediction of Planets in Various Houses for Cancer Ascendant

Sun in Different Houses for Cancer Ascendant

Moon in Different Houses for Cancer Ascendant

Mercury in Different Houses for Cancer Ascendant

Venus in Different Houses for Cancer Ascendant

Mars in Different Houses for Cancer Ascendant

Jupiter in Different Houses for Cancer Ascendant

Saturn in Different Houses for Cancer Ascendant

Rahu in Different Houses for Cancer Ascendant

Ketu in Different Houses for Cancer Ascendant

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