Planets in Astrology>Sun in Astrology

How does the Sun in Astrology reflect our inner nature?

  • Just as the Sun provides light and energy to our physical world, it also illuminates our inner world, helping us to understand our deepest desires and motivations. 
  • The Sun is often associated with our will and our ability to take action in the world. 
  • When we are in touch with our Sun energy, we are confident and purposeful, able to go after what we want in life. 
  • However, when we are disconnected from our Sun energy, we may feel lost or directionless. 
  • By understanding how the Sun reflects our inner nature, we can learn to tune into its energies and use them to live more fulfilling lives. 

In astrology, the Sun is seen as a symbol of our innermost nature, the part of us that remains constant even as the rest of our personality changes over time. Just as the Sun provides light and energy to our physical world, it also illuminates our inner world, helping us to understand our deepest desires and motivations. The Sun is often associated with our will and our ability to take action in the world. When we are in touch with our Sun energy, we are confident and purposeful, able to go after what we want in life. However, when we are disconnected from our Sun energy, we may feel lost or directionless. By understanding how the Sun reflects our inner nature, we can learn to tune into its energies and use them to live more fulfilling lives. 

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