Planets in Astrology>Rahu in Astrology

How can Rahu be used to achieve success in business and worldly affairs?

  • Rahu is a powerful planet that can bring both success and failure in business, personal life, and worldly affairs.
  • Rahu is also known as “the North Node of Destiny” due to its influence on our fate.
  • According to Hindu mythology, Rahu was a demon who tricked Lord Vishnu into drinking Amrita (the elixir of immortality) by disguising itself as a god.
  • The most effective way to tap into Rahu’s energies for positive results is through mantras which are sacred words or phrases that are chanted as part of meditation or prayer rituals in Hinduism.
  • Another way to access Lord Rahu’s powers is by performing puja ceremonies or offerings such as flowers and food items like fruits, sweets etc., specifically made for him at temples or shrines dedicated to him.
  • By chanting mantras dedicated to him regularly along with performing pujas at temples & offering special gifts/offerings one can access his divine energies & unlock secrets hidden within them thus ensuring great prosperity & abundance both spiritually & materially!

The Hindu deity, Rahu, is believed to be an entity that has the power to bring both success and failure in business, personal life, and worldly affairs. It is said that when Rahu is favorably placed, it brings wealth, prosperity, fame and success. On the other hand, if it is positioned unfavorably, then one may face problems at home or business loss. In this blog post we will discuss how you can use Rahu’s powers to achieve success in business and life.

Understanding Rahu’s Powers

Rahu is a powerful planet that rules over the north node of the Moon and is also known as “the North Node of Destiny” due to its influence on our fate. According to Hindu mythology, Rahu was a demon who tricked Lord Vishnu into drinking Amrita (the elixir of immortality) by disguising itself as a god. When Lord Vishnu found out he was tricked by Rahu he cut off his head with his Sudarshana Chakra (divine disc). Since then, Rahu has been considered a powerful yet dangerous deity whose influence should be handled with caution.

Using Mantras for Positive Results

The most effective way to tap into Rahu’s energies for positive results is through mantras. Mantras are sacred words or phrases that are chanted as part of meditation or prayer rituals in Hinduism. Chanting mantras dedicated to Lord Rahu can help bring peace and harmony in your life while strengthening your connection with him so that you can receive his blessings for success in business and life.

One such mantra is “Om Shraam Shaantim Rahave Namah” which should be chanted 108 times every day for 40 days during an auspicious period such as after sunset or on special occasions like eclipses or Sankranti (transition of planets). This mantra helps create positive energy around you and attracts the favor of Lord Rahu which will lead to great success in all your endeavors including business related ventures.

Performing Pujas & Offerings

Another way to access Lord Rahu’s powers is by performing puja ceremonies or offerings such as flowers and food items like fruits, sweets etc., specifically made for him at temples or shrines dedicated to him. Pujas are spiritual rituals designed to invoke the blessings from deities with specific intentions such as gaining wealth or good fortune in business affairs etc..

These pujas should be done regularly during an auspicious time period according to Vedic astrology such as eclipse time when Lord Rahu is most powerful and receptive towards prayers made for his favor. By doing regular pujas along with chanting mantras one can unlock the secrets of prosperity hidden within Lord Rahu’s power thus ensuring success in all areas of their lives including worldly affairs like career growth & financial stability etc..


Ruhu plays an important role in Hindu mythology and has been revered since ancient times due its immense power over destiny & fate. With proper understanding & guidance one can use its energies wisely for attaining great success & prosperity in their lives especially when it comes to matters related with business & worldly affairs etc.

By chanting mantras dedicated to him regularly along with performing pujas at temples & offering special gifts/offerings one can access his divine energies & unlock secrets hidden within them thus ensuring great prosperity & abundance both spiritually & materially! So why wait? Start tapping into this divine energy today!