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What is the Relationship between Disability and Karma?

  • Karma is a universal law that governs all life in the universe and is believed to be the result of our previous actions.
  • The wheel of life represents the cycle of birth and rebirth (samsara) in Hinduism and Buddhism, suggesting that whatever happens in this lifetime—including disability—is the result of deeds performed in a previous life.
  • Karma gives us perspective on how to view disabilities from a spiritual standpoint, helping us to accept difficult circumstances as part of someone’s journey through life rather than something that needs to be fixed.
  • People with disabilities may find solace knowing that their current condition was not chosen by them but was predetermined by past deeds.

In Hindu philosophy, karma is a universal law that governs all life in the universe. It is believed that all physical, mental, and spiritual circumstances experienced in our lifetime are the result of our previous actions. But what does this mean for those with disabilities? How does the concept of karma apply to them? Let’s explore.

What is Karma?

Karma means action and it is believed to be an integral part of our lives as humans. Every thought and every action has a consequence which will eventually manifest itself in some form or another. Good karma brings good results while bad karma brings bad results. The idea of cause and effect is at the core of this concept; what we do today will shape our future tomorrow.

The Wheel of Life

The wheel of life represents the cycle of birth and rebirth (samsara) in Hinduism and Buddhism. This cyclical process suggests that whatever happens in this lifetime—including disability—is the result of the deeds performed in a previous life. Those who have lived good lives are rewarded with a “good” birth while those who have lived bad lives are punished by being born with a disability or into poverty or other difficult circumstances.

How Does Karma Affect Disability?

Karma gives us perspective on how to view disabilities from a spiritual standpoint. Instead of feeling pity, we can strive to understand why someone is living with a disability, accepting it as part of their journey through life rather than something that needs to be fixed or changed for them to live happily ever after. People with disabilities may also find solace knowing that their current condition was not chosen by them but rather was predetermined by past deeds.


Regardless if you believe in karma or not, understanding how it relates to disability can provide helpful insight into how we should approach difficult situations like these from a spiritual perspective. By viewing disability through this lens, we can learn to accept our circumstances as they come without judgement or fear but rather understanding that everything happens for divine reason beyond our control or comprehension. Ultimately, focusing on good deeds now will ensure better outcomes later in terms of both physical health and spiritual wellbeing no matter what we experience during this lifetime.