Planets in Astrology>Rahu in Astrology

What is Rahu’s connection to karma and destiny?

In the world of astrology, Rahu is often associated with karma and destiny due to its mysterious and complex symbolism. This celestial body is known to many cultures across the globe as a powerful force that influences our day-to-day lives in ways we may not even be aware of. It’s said that Rahu affects our fate by influencing situations, circumstances, events, and relationships to shape our purpose in life.

In astrology, Rahu represents ambition or greed which can lead us down certain paths in life resulting in good or bad karma depending on our behaviour during any given situation throughout our lives—this includes any perceived successes or failures we experience along the way.

The interplay between hopes/dreams versus reality allows us to gain insight into what types of karmic forces are brewing under the surface which lay out a roadmap for success or failure depending on how these energies are harnessed over time.

When looking at Rahu’s connection with destiny specifically, it can be seen as either being beneficial (bringing good luck) or harmful (creating obstacles). Thus understanding more about yourself through astrology gives clarity about who you truly are so you can use this awareness positively by applying it abstrusely creating better long-term resonances through sound decision-making & concrete action steps leading towards manifesting true potential free from any external obstructions!