Planets in Astrology>Sun in Astrology

What Causes Illness According to Vedic Astrology?

  • Vedic astrology is a practice that has been used for centuries to explain and predict the course of life, including a person’s health.
  • Health is evaluated in Vedic astrology by looking at the placement of planets in a birth chart. This includes assessing physical and mental health, and how each planet influences an individual’s general wellbeing.
  • Once an individual’s birth chart has been analyzed, preventive measures can be taken to ward off future illnesses or medical problems before they occur. This could include activities such as yoga for relaxation or mediation for stress relief; eating healthy organic food; avoiding foods high in fat; exercising regularly; avoiding alcohol consumption; getting enough restful sleep; reducing environmental pollutants etcetera.

Vedic astrology is a practice that has been used for centuries to explain and predict the course of life. While its predictions of career, relationship, and finances are well known, less discussed is how Vedic astrology can be used to understand and prevent illness. Let’s explore this lesser-known side of Vedic astrology.

How Health is Evaluated in Vedic Astrology?

Vedic astrology relies on the placement of planets in a birth chart to assess individual health. It looks at both physical and mental health and evaluates how each planet influences an individual’s general wellbeing. These planets include the Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Rahu (a lunar node), and Ketu (the other lunar node). The balance or imbalance of these planets determines one’s overall health.

The Sun represents energy levels and vitality while the Moon indicates emotions and mental stability. Jupiter represents your liver, kidneys, pancreas, hips and thighs while Mercury governs the lungs and nervous system. Mars rules over the head while Saturn governs bones and teeth as well as skin disorders. Rahu symbolizes air pollution while Ketu rules over toxins in food or water sources.

Each planet affects different parts of our body – when they are balanced it leads to better health but when they are out of balance it can cause illness or even serious diseases such as cancer or heart disease.

Preventing Illness through Astrology?

Once an individual’s birth chart has been analyzed according to Vedic astrology principles, preventive measures can be taken to ward off future illnesses or medical problems before they occur.

This could include activities such as yoga for relaxation or mediation for stress relief; eating healthy organic food; avoiding foods high in fat; exercising regularly; avoiding alcohol consumption; getting enough restful sleep; reducing environmental pollutants; practicing spiritual healing techniques such as chanting mantras; taking regular breaks from work to de-stress; consulting with an experienced ayurveda practitioner for natural remedies; participating in activities like gardening or nature walks which bring positive vibes into one’s life etcetera.


By understanding how our birth chart influences our health according to Vedic astrology principles we can take measures to ensure good mental and physical wellbeing over time. With careful analysis of our birth chart along with preventive measures such as yoga, meditation, eating healthy food etc., we can ensure good health and ward off potential illnesses from occurring in the future.