Planets in Astrology>Sun in Astrology

What are the sun’s karakatwas in astrology?

According to astrology, the sun has four karakatwas, which are the positions it occupies in the sky. These are called Ravi, Chandra, Surya, and Bhanu. Each of these positions has its own unique qualities and effects on people and events. 

  1. The Ravi karakatwa is associated with royalty and power. Those who are born under this position are said to be ambitious and determined, with a strong desire to succeed. They are often leaders in their field, and are very influential people. 
  1. The Chandra karakatwa is associated with intuition and creativity. Those who are born under this position are said to be imaginative and intuitive, as well as sensitive and compassionate. They often have a strong interest in the arts, and can be very successful in creative endeavors.  
  1. The Surya karakatwa is associated with success and accomplishment. Those who are born under this position are said to be highly motivated and hardworking, achieving great things in life. They are typically very respected by others, and often hold positions of power or influence.  
  1. The Bhanu karakatwa is associated with intelligence and knowledge. Those who are born under this position are said to be intelligent and scholarly, able to achieve great things in their field of study. They often make valuable contributions to society, and are considered experts in their field. 

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