Planets in Astrology>Sun in Astrology

What are the sun’s Debilitated and Exalted signs in astrology? 

The sun’s Debilitated sign is Libra, and its Exalted sign is Aries.  

When the sun is in Libra, it’s in a weakened state and doesn’t have as much energy. This time period can be a little challenging because the sun isn’t as strong and might not be able to provide the support we need. When the sun is debilitated in Libra, it gives the person a lack of energy, pessimism, and a passive attitude. The person tends to be indecisive and lacks self-confidence. However, this is also a time when we can learn to balance ourselves and our relationships with others. 

When the sun is in Aries, it’s in its strongest position and has lots of energy. This time period can be really productive because the sun gives us the strength and courage to go after what we want. We’re able to take action and move forward with our goals. The sun rules the heart and when it is exalted in Aries, it gives the person a lot of energy, enthusiasm, and courage. The person is able to take action and has a strong sense of self-identity. 

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