Planets in Astrology>Rahu in Astrology

Understand the role that Rahu plays in Vedic astrology and how it can influence your life.

  • The Rahu-Ketu axis is important in Vedic astrology because it helps to understand an individual’s karma from previous lives as well as how they should approach current life situations.
  • Rahu is associated with ambition, power, wealth, fame, creativity and materialistic pursuits while Ketu represents spirituality, detachment and surrendering to divine will.
  • The role of the Rahu-Ketu axis can be used to make predictions about an individual’s future based on their past actions and current planetary alignments.

The Vedic astrological system is one of the oldest systems of astrology. It has been used for centuries to provide insight into people’s lives, as well as their karmas and dharma. In this system, two special planets are known as Rahu and Ketu, also known as the Rahu-Ketu axis. These planets serve a very important role in people’s lives and can affect everything from relationships to career decisions. Let us explore the role of Rahu and Ketu in Vedic astrology and how it can influence your life.

Rahu and Ketu are considered shadow planets because they are not visible from Earth. Instead, they are calculated based on mathematical calculations that take into account the orbits of the sun and moon around Earth. They represent two points at which the paths of the sun and moon intersect, which have a strong influence on our lives.

Rahu is associated with ambition, power, wealth, fame, creativity, materialistic pursuits, secrets, anxiety, fearlessness and boldness. It rules over materialistic desires such as money or fame but also spiritual transformation. It is an energy that pushes us forward to achieve success in whatever venture we undertake. However, it can also lead to overindulgence or recklessness when not balanced properly with other planetary influences.

Ketu represents spirituality, detachment from materialistic pursuits and surrendering to divine will. It is associated with moksha (enlightenment), karma yoga (selfless service) and spiritual growth. It is often seen as a negative force due to its ability to bring losses in life but it can also be seen as a blessing if it brings about spiritual enlightenment or inner peace .

The Rahu-Ketu axis plays an important role in Vedic astrology because it helps us understand our karmas from previous lives as well as how we should approach our current life situations for maximum benefit. This axis can be used to make predictions about our future based on our past actions and current planetary alignments. Additionally, it can be used to guide us toward making better decisions in order to improve our overall quality of life by helping us focus on what really matters most—our spiritual journey towards enlightenment..


The Rahu-Ketu axis plays an important role in Vedic astrology that cannot be overlooked or underestimated; it provides insight into both our past lives’ karmas and current challenges we face in this lifetime so that we may make better decisions for ourselves going forward.

By understanding how these two ‘shadow planets’ influence our lives—whether through material success or spiritual growth—we gain a deeper understanding of who we really are and where we want to go on our journey through life. As such, taking some time out each day to reflect upon the influence of these two planets can help you get closer to achieving your goals while staying true to yourself!