Bhagavad Gita 1.26 Explained: The Emotional Struggle of Duty vs. Love

तत्रापश्यत्स्थितान्पार्थः पितृ़नथ पितामहान्।

श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता 1.26

TatrApashyatsThitAnpArthaH pitRRinatha pitAmahAn

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita 1.26

There Arjuna noticed fathers, grandfathers, uncles, cousins, sons, grandsons, teachers, friends;

English Translation of BG 1.26

In this profound verse, we witness a moment of deep emotional turmoil for Arjuna, as he stands on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. Upon seeing his relatives and loved ones arrayed before him, ready to fight, Arjuna is confronted with the stark reality of the war’s implications.

Insights into BG 1.26: Reflecting on Swami Ramsukhdas Ji’s Divine Commentary

The Dilemma of Dharma

Arjuna’s vision of his family members and teachers on the battlefield symbolizes the internal conflict faced by individuals when their duties clash with personal emotions and attachments. This moment emphasizes the difficult choices one must make when adhering to dharma, or righteous duty, especially when such adherence leads to outcomes that seem to contradict personal morals and affections.

The Universality of Inner Conflict

This scenario is not unique to the battlefield; it is a metaphor for the daily struggles faced by individuals when making decisions that affect their lives and those around them. The sight of loved ones as adversaries highlights the pain and confusion inherent in fulfilling duties that seem to conflict with personal relationships and values.

The Importance of Guidance

Arjuna’s predicament underscores the importance of seeking guidance when faced with moral dilemmas. Just as he turns to Krishna for counsel, this verse reminds us of the value of wisdom and guidance from a higher source or inner conscience when navigating life’s ethical challenges. It teaches us to look beyond immediate emotional responses and consider the broader implications of our actions in line with our ultimate values and principles.

Compassion and Duty

Seeing his relatives on both sides of the battlefield, Arjuna’s heart is filled with compassion, illustrating that true strength lies not only in the ability to fight but also in the capacity for empathy and love. This moment teaches us that acknowledging our feelings and connections to others is crucial, even when we must take difficult actions.


Verse 1.26 of the Bhagavad Gita presents a moment of crisis that is deeply human, highlighting the emotional and moral complexities of life’s battles. It teaches us about the challenges of adhering to dharma in the face of personal attachments, the importance of guidance in times of moral conflict, and the enduring value of compassion and empathy. Through Arjuna’s dilemma, we learn that the path of righteousness is often fraught with difficult choices and that true wisdom lies in navigating these choices with a heart guided by dharma and a mind clear of doubt.
