Planets in Astrology>Rahu in Astrology

The many secrets and mysteries of Rahu revealed!

  • Rahu is a powerful celestial body that has been shrouded in mystery and lore for ages. In Hindu culture, Rahu is believed to be a powerful force with both positive and negative influences on our lives.
  • According to Hindu mythology, Rahu was born from an egg that had been created by Vishnu (the Preserver), Brahma (the Creator), and Shiva (the Destroyer). This egg contained all of the cosmic energies in the universe, and it eventually hatched into two halves. The upper half became known as Ketu (the Tail) while the lower half became known as Rahu (the Head).
  • It is said that Rahu brings about sudden changes in life such as unexpected wealth or fame, but also can cause distress if it is not honored properly. In Hindu astrology, it is believed that when your Rahu is strong or exalted you will experience success in your endeavors; however if it is weak or ill-placed then you may experience difficulty or failure in your endeavors.

Rahu is a mysterious and powerful celestial body that has been shrouded in mystery and lore for ages. In Hindu culture, Rahu is believed to be a powerful force with both positive and negative influences on our lives. Rahu has been worshipped as an important god since ancient times and continues to be honored today. This blog will explore the secrets of Rahu, its power and influence, and its significance within Hinduism.

The Origin Story of Rahu

According to Hindu mythology, thousands of years ago there was a great battle between the gods and demons over a magical elixir that would grant them immortality. During this battle, Rahu was born from an egg that had been created by Vishnu (the Preserver), Brahma (the Creator), and Shiva (the Destroyer). This egg contained all of the cosmic energies in the universe, and it eventually hatched into two halves. The upper half became known as Ketu (the Tail) while the lower half became known as Rahu (the Head).

Rahu’s Influence on Your Life

Rahu is believed to have a powerful influence on human life, with both positive and negative aspects. It is said to bring about sudden changes in life such as unexpected wealth or fame, but also can cause distress if it is not honored properly. In Hindu astrology, it is believed that when your Rahu is strong or exalted you will experience success in your endeavors; however if it is weak or ill-placed then you may experience difficulty or failure in your endeavors. Additionally, people who are born under Rahu will often have an intense focus on their goals which can lead them to great success if they are able to remain focused.

Rituals & Practices Involving Rahu

Rituals involving Rahu involve honoring this deity through prayer and offerings such as fruits, incense sticks, flowers etc., which will help appease him/her. It is also advised to wear a blue sapphire gemstone associated with this deity for protection against evil forces as well as for physical healing benefits such as improved digestion or alleviation from headaches etc.

Additionally performing fasts dedicated to this deity during special days like Amavasya (new moon day) can also be beneficial for appeasing him/her; however one should consult an experienced astrologer before doing so as these rituals may not always yield favorable results if done incorrectly or without proper guidance from an expert astrologer.


The power of Rahu has long been honored in Hindu culture due its mysterious origins and powerful influence on human life. With both positive and negative aspects associated with him/her it is important to understand how best to honor this deity through prayerful rituals so that we can receive his blessings while avoiding any potential harm caused by displeasing him/her. With understanding comes wisdom; therefore consulting an experienced astrologer can help guide us along our spiritual journey towards enlightenment through honoring the mighty power of Lord Rahu!