Planets in Astrology>Rahu in Astrology

The Importance of Worshiping Durga in Relation to Rahu

  • Rahu is an imaginary planet that creates disruption in human lives and affects our planetary movements.
  • According to Hindu mythology, it was born from the churning of the cosmic ocean and has been wreaking havoc since its inception.
  • In astrology, Rahu is said to cause diseases such as malaria, jaundice, epilepsy, fever, mental illness and infertility among other ailments. It also causes obstacles in life like financial issues, legal problems or marital disputes.
  • Worshipping goddess Durga helps counterbalance any negative effects caused by Rahu’s presence in our lives.
  • As the goddess of power and courage, she helps us face difficult challenges with strength and determination while ensuring victory against all odds.
  • Additionally her benevolent presence gives us hope in times of hardship so we can remain resilient even during hard times

Hindu scriptures and beliefs have a deep connection to astrological cycles and celestial bodies. One such planet is Rahu, which is known for its destructive nature. As such, worshipping Durga—the goddess of power and courage—in relation to Rahu can bring about positive changes for individuals’ lives. Let’s explore why this is the case.

The Nature of Rahu and Its Impact on Individuals

Rahu is an imaginary planet that creates disruption in human lives and affects our planetary movements. According to Hindu mythology, it was born from the churning of the cosmic ocean and has been wreaking havoc since its inception. In astrology, Rahu is said to cause diseases such as malaria, jaundice, epilepsy, fever, mental illness and infertility among other ailments. It also causes obstacles in life like financial issues, legal problems or marital disputes.

How Worshipping Durga Helps With Rahu

Worshipping goddess Durga helps counterbalance any negative effects caused by Rahu’s presence in our lives. As the goddess of power and courage, she helps us face difficult challenges with strength and determination while ensuring victory against all odds.

Additionally, her benevolent presence gives us hope in times of hardship so we can remain resilient even during hard times. Furthermore, devotees who worship Durga regularly are blessed with good health and a peaceful home life as well as protection from harm or danger caused by external influences like bad luck or evil spirits.

Worshipping Durga also helps us gain clarity about our goals and objectives so that we can make more informed decisions in life that will lead to success rather than failure. By praying to her every day through chanting mantras or meditating on her divine form we become more focused on achieving our ambitions without getting distracted by worldly desires or temptations along the way.

Additionally, regular devotion towards the goddess provides us with insight into how our actions affect the world around us; enabling us to live a life of balance where we are mindful of both ourselves and others at all times.


In conclusion, worshipping Durga in relation to Rahu has many spiritual benefits for those who practice it faithfully. The goddess brings peace into our lives by helping us combat any negative effects caused by Rahu’s presence while also providing guidance on how best to achieve success without succumbing to temptation along the way. Ultimately then, if you’re looking for a way to maintain equilibrium between your personal goals and external influences then worshipping Durga could be just what you need!