Conjunctions in Astrology

Sun Venus Jupiter Conjunction in Astrology

Sun Venus Jupiter Conjunction

Sun Venus Jupiter Conjunction

Sun, Venus and Jupiter Conjunction in Vedic Astrology creates divine love in a person. The urge to have a relationship becomes a spiritual quest for a soul connection. This native has a very loving personality and spiritual ego.

Sun in Astrology: ego, self expression, soul, personality, father, vitality, and karaka of 10th house (career).

Venus in Astrology: love, relationship, desire, pleasure, luxurious foods, culture, family history, beauty, comfort, art, creativity, lust and sexuality.

Jupiter in Astrology: knowledge, wisdom, wealth, optimism, hope, law, teachers, education, religious beliefs, and long distance pilgrimage.

Characteristics of Sun, Venus and Mars Conjunction in Astrology

  • They come across as mature teachers or preachers.
  • The Sun and Jupiter both brighten and expand the qualities of Venus.
  • This means the native has quite an appetite for forming relationships with older and spiritual people.
  • A man will be attracted to a well educated, mature, and spiritual woman, and vice versa.
  • Their love for tradition, religion, and family history broadens to other cultures as well.
  • They are very welcoming, and open to foreign forms of artistic expression.
  • They have a zest for traveling and gaining  knowledge through beauty, culture, and exploring various societies.
  • Ego, love, and pleasure for this native are driven by knowledge and beliefs.
  • The self-esteem of a person rises as they connect with others who have similar belief systems.
  • There is great optimism in their personality and in their interactions with others.
  • This native may have a very loving relationship with their father.
  • The father may be a new age guru, and knows how to have fun while sharing his wisdom and philosophy with his children.
  • This is a great conjunction for a government job, teacher, preacher, lawyer, guidance counselor, mystic, or artist.

What is Sun in Astrology?

  • Sun in Astrology represents the Soul, so it tells us how conscious we are of our soul’s unbounded, enlightened nature.
  • A Sun that is very well placed in the chart can indicate a particular clarity about spiritual matters, and an unperturbed sense of who we are deep inside.
  • Having this “solar light” shining brightly brings self-confidence, personal power, leadership and health.
  • When the Sun is in a challenging position in Vedic Astrology, this light will not shine as much, and it is hard for the individual to trust that the core of their being is the individualized reflection of the divine light.
  • Not experiencing the connection with one’s own inner source of power will then lead to weak self-confidence, challenging relationships with authorities, and difficulty in balancing one’s ego with that of others.

What is Venus in Astrology?

  • Venus represents the convenience of luxurious items like a car, air conditioning, clothing, jewelry, wealth, and beauty inside the home.
  • Since Venus signifies pleasure, it can be any kind of pleasure: sex, art, entertainment, interior decoration, beauty pageants, or anything else related to having fun.
  • Venus in a man’s chart also shows his wife, or the type of women he comes across in life. Venus signifies marriage for both men and women.

What is Jupiter in Astrology?

  • Since the father is the first teacher for a child, Jupiter automatically becomes the teaching and preaching of fathers and father figures.
  • Jupiter also represents our belief system and our ability to follow the law.
  • Jupiter is the lawyer in astrology; he writes the law and either makes the person follow it or resent it depending upon its condition.
  • Jupiter also represents a husband in a female’s chart. Mars is not the husband, Mars represents male friends.
  • Jupiter is the guiding force in every woman’s life.
  • He is also wisdom.
  • We learn from our teachers, whether its Nazi theology, Christian theology or Vedic theology. The source of wisdom and belief is controlled by Jupiter in our chart.
  • Our higher learning is dependent upon Jupiter, from basic education to a Master’s degree and PhD.
  • It represents the rituals of our culture, our traditions, and ability to follow them.
  • Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system, which is why it represents the expansion of things related to where Jupiter sits in your horoscope.
  • Now whether that expansion will be positive or negative, early or late, depends upon other factors and planets.
  • Whenever Jupiter is in the ascendant, 5th House and 9th House, it shows a person is capable of learning several languages.
  • Jupiter in jyotish is also an indicator of wealth, finance, children, luck, travel, and gains in life.
  • It is pretty much the karaka of the 2nd, 5th, 9 th , and 11th House in a horoscope.
  • This is why Jupiter is one of the most important planets after the Moon.
  • Jupiter is the source of optimism in astrology.

What are Conjunctions in Astrology?

Conjunction simply means union of planets. In any birth chart, when two or more planets are sitting in the same house, they are considered in conjunction. There are all types of conjunctions: loose conjunctions, exact conjunctions, close conjunctions and virtual conjunctions.

What does a conjunction really do in an astrological birth chart? They give meaning to your life and set a purpose. They either take away things or give you things. There are positive and negative effects of conjunction. Positive effects are known as yogas and negative effects are known as doshas.

Planets are simply energies, and when two different types of energy come together, they create a new type of energy or a mutant energy. The new type of energy brings a situation in your life that fulfills the destiny of that conjunction.

Note for 3 Planetary Conjunctions:

There is no one set of meanings for three or more planetary conjunctions, because each planet is being influenced by the other planet, and the planet with the lowest degree is having a major impact on the conjunction.

If Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn are in conjunction, then there is no one liner that you can say to give its definition. You have to see what each planet is doing for the native.

You also have to know the houses they rule. Is one ruling a bad house, or are both ruling bad houses? What effects are they bringing in the conjunction by being lords of good or bad houses?

Further Reading :

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