Ascendants in Astrology>Capricorn (Makar) Ascendant

Sun in 12th House for Capricorn Ascendant in Astrology

Sun in 12th House for Capricorn Ascendant in Vedic Astrology

They are known as kings in foreign lands. The native keeps his distance from disputes and court cases. He bears some stomach disease below the navel. He spends much on treatment.

What does the Sun represent in Vedic Astrology?

  • Sun in astrology represents the soul, which can read in the world’s most flexible and general sense.
  • The word soul is used for the deepest and truest nature, the ultimate sense of identity, inspiration, and aspiration.
  • Surya signifies one’s essential attributes – the sense of self, ego, self-esteem, a sense of purpose, and so on.
  • Energies and conditions that arise from the Sun’s placement in a horoscope, along with the influences that the Sun receives, will be experienced in life as deep, long-term trends and processes that impact one’s life as a whole.

What does the 12th House in Astrology Signify?

  • The twelfth house represents the final stage of life and the inevitable death that concludes it. Any loss or expenditure is signified by the 12th.
  •  Positive applications include investments, donations, and getting rid of unwanted things. Harmful applications are death, losses, unexpected expenses, theft.
  •  The 12th house represents the last portion of the legs, the feet.
  •  The 12th house corresponds to Pisces. Jupiter adds a spiritual value to the 12th, and the loss of bondage to the relative aspect of life is indicated: enlightenment or, in Sanskrit, “Moksha.”

Sun in 12th House for Capricorn Ascendant in Astrology

Sun in 12th House for Capricorn Ascendant

What does Capricorn Ascendant in Astrology Signify?

  • A person born in Capricorn Ascendant, Santoshi, Bhiru, fiery, persistent effort, swindler, big-eyed, shudh, capricious, more saintly, clever, greedy, suffering from phlegm and wind, long-bodied, smooth, Tamoguni, hypocritical, lazy, expensive, conductor of religion, women are indulgent, poets and shameless.
  • He suffers happiness in his early stages, remains miserable in middle age, and remains happy until the end of 32 years.
  • A person with Capricorn ascendant attains Purnayu.

Auspicious Results of Sun in the 12th House for Capricorn Ascendant:

  • They are known as kings in foreign lands.
  • They will join a foreign religious organization at one point in life.

Inauspicious Results of Sun in the 12th House for Capricorn

  • They can have quite a few sexual relationships with foreign people and people of different cultures.
  • The native with Sun in 12th House for Capricorn Ascendant lacks influence. The Sun aspects the 6th house of enemies, debts, and diseases in the Gemini sign of neutral Mercury.

Personality, Worklife, Relationship and Areas of Interest:

  • They are known as kings in foreign lands.
  • They can have quite a few sexual relationships with foreign people and people of different cultures.
  • They will join a foreign religious organization at one point in life.
  • Their father’s reputation increases in a foreign land, and they find sudden fame in life.
  • They get a rise in luck through someone’s death or scandal.
  • They have vipreet raj yoga.
  • They will find a father figure in a foreign land.
  • They will find their mentors and gurus in a foreign land.
  • They may have lost their father or was distant from them.
  • They suffer psychological issues through their father.
  • The native with Sun in 12th House for Capricorn Ascendant lacks influence. The Sun aspects the 6th house of enemies, debts, and diseases in the Gemini sign of neutral Mercury.
  • They are sharp and overcome enemies and gain through them.
  • The native keeps his distance from disputes and court cases. He bears some stomach disease below the navel. He spends much on treatment.
  • They try to maintain his status. He leads a happy and influential life.

Prediction of Planets in Various Houses for Capricorn Ascendant

Sun in Different Houses for Capricorn Ascendant

Moon in Different Houses for Capricorn Ascendant:-

Mercury in Different Houses for Capricorn Ascendant

Venus in Different Houses for Capricorn Ascendant

Mars in Different Houses for Capricorn Ascendant

Jupiter in Different Houses for Capricorn Ascendant

Saturn in Different Houses for Capricorn Ascendant

Rahu in Different Houses for Capricorn Ascendant

Ketu in Different Houses for Capricorn Ascendant

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