Planets in Astrology|Planets in Houses in Astrology

Saturn in 3rd House in Astrology

Saturn in 3rd House in Astrology

Saturn in 3rd house in Astrology makes the native very creative, gives a heavy voice (good for radio), love for long writing, which is perfect for a  novelist and scriptwriter, and usually makes the native travel for business.

Saturn in 3rd house doesn’t let the native be in a job or service situation, and he will eventually have their own business and be their own boss. Saturn may also restrict the relationship with the father, especially if it’s aspecting or sitting with Sun in the same house. Saturn In 3rd house in Vedic Astrology gives worldly success after the age of 32.

Saturn in any house is a stress factor and reflects shortcomings, but in the 3rd house, Saturn represents your siblings, courage, willpower, neighbours, and short distance travel. It represents communication in any form, such as writing or speaking or acting and the media industry.

Significance of Saturn in the Third House

Saturn in the third house is representative of restrictions, boundaries and discipline.  Saturn will confront the reality of the world to the native, showing the most realistic form of true happiness and sadness.

Saturn in the third house restricts relationships with siblings resulting in less communication and more professionalism, especially in the early days. The native with a given planetary situation has an abusive father.

Saturn in the third house makes the mental concentration of the native very slow yet steady, and the comprehension power of the native also reduces. Hence, normal educational learnings, philosophical ideas and the truly progressive and liberal ideas of this world come slow to the native.

Saturn is a slow-moving planet, and it takes a long time to finish its task. Thus native could make an outstanding novelist.

The marriage for natives of Saturn in the third house is also delayed due to the displacement of planets in the horoscope. Still, casual love relationships before the age of 25-29 are prominently seen in his life.

The native, if at an early age disrespected culture and religion, then he gets more into it in the later years. In the third house, Saturn brings fear into the native, and it’s a kind of unnecessary fear regarding his efforts and worth.

Saturn in 3rd House in Astrology

What does the 3rd House signify in Astrology?

The 3rd House in Astrology represents short distance travel, like from state to state, or from one town to another like a truck driver. The third house also represents siblings and relationships with them, media, networking skills, writing, and speaking ability. This house also promotes courage. It’s the house of one’s willpower and efforts, that is, where one’s efforts will be and how much effort will he put in his work. This is also the house of longevity since it’s 8th from the 8th house.

The third house represents the interaction with siblings and is an important part of the early life experience (before school years). It is a great exploration and discovery journey, which includes learning how to communicate and build up strength and independence.

Physically, after the face,  the next parts of the body are the shoulders and arms. The significance of arms and hands also brings in manual dexterity. The correspondence with Mithuna (Gemini) adds communication.

What does Saturn represent in Astrology?

Saturn in Astrology is our limitation in life, and it sets boundaries to what we can and cannot achieve. It’s the wake-up call, as Saturn shows the truth and the reality of life. Most of us are walking around daydreaming and have an illusion of our elicit future, but during Saturn’s Dasha and Saturn’s transit, we are awakened by the harsh reality that exists around us. We are forced to be more practical and disciplined about our goals rather than searching for them in a puzzled manner.

Saturn in Astrology represents grief, although this is a harsh description and must be understood more deeply. Saturn is a significant and sometimes deeply spiritual influence in the horoscope. Saturn symbolises everything that is deep, profound, thorough, long-lasting, and serious in life. It is associated with all the aspects of life that teach one how to be more thoughtful and practical. The condition of Saturn in the birth chart will indicate whether these values are put to good use by adding depth and a sense of meaning to life, or whether one refuses to get serious and therefore experiences the grief of being forced to comply with Saturn’s demands.

Auspicious Results of Saturn in 3rd House in Astrology

  • One may be judicious, prudent, and firm.
  • One will be intelligent and will give good advice.
  • One will be interested in astrology and deep sciences.
  • One will be scholarly, a quick worker, wrestler, prudent, brave, fortunate, energetic, and a slayer of enemies.
  • One will be wealthy, talented and will belong to an upper-class family.
  • One will be victorious and religious-minded.
  • One may have invincible capabilities.
  • One’s fame may spread in all directions and all over the world.
  • One will rear everyone without any prejudice.
  • One may be recognised by the state, possess an excellent vehicle, and maybe the head of a village.
  • Friends will increase, and there will be gain in wealth.
  • One will be loved by the opposite sex and will get complete satisfaction from the opposite sex.
  • One may have many brothers.
  • One will have a low appetite.

Saturn in 3rd House in Vedic Astrology

Inauspicious Results of Saturn in 3rd House in Astrology

  • One is dark-complexioned, has a dirty body, is lazy and unhappy.
  • One will be ungrateful and wicked towards people who honour and respect him.
  • One’s wishes may remain unfulfilled, causing frustration and unhappiness.
  • One may try a lot, but his mind may be restless because he may not achieve success in spite of hard work.
  • One’s good fortune starts after many obstacles.
  • One may not enjoy the business in which he has invested. In other words, a business may not yield the desired gains.
  • One’s education may not be completed.
  • Migration may not be profitable.
  • There may be obstacles in the writing and publishing of books.
  • One may become ill due to cold weather during migration.
  • One may suffer pain in the body.
  • One’s hands may be weak, or there is a possibility of being wounded.
  • One may not be blessed with siblings.
  • One’s mind may be restless and troubled due to conflicts with brothers and friends.
  • Brothers, sisters, and children may be destroyed.
  • There may be a partition between brothers, and they may not stay together.
  • One’s elder and younger brother may expire.
  • One’s sister may be widowed, or her domestic life may be difficult.
  • One may not get along well with relatives and neighbours and therefore does not stay happy.

Saturn in 3rd House For Various Ascendants in Astrology

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