Planets in Astrology>Rahu in Astrology

Rituals and Practices for Working with Rahu

  • Rahu is a planetary god in Hindu astrology that represents the darker side of our lives, such as addiction, extreme ambition, and anger.
  • Chanting mantras specifically dedicated to Rahu is an effective way to invoke his power and presence. The most common mantra used when working with Rahu is “Om Bhram Bhreem Bhroum Sah Rahave Namaha” which means “I bow to Lord Rahu who gives us strength and courage”.
  • Meditation – Meditating on the energy of Rahu helps ground your practice in spiritual awareness while also allowing you to gain insight into what challenges he might be presenting you with at any given time.
  • Offerings – Making offerings to Lord Rahu is another way to honor his power within you. These offerings could be anything from flowers or incense sticks placed near his shrine or even just offering up words of gratitude or thanksgiving each day when connecting with him spiritually.

Rahu, one of the nine planetary gods in Hindu astrology, is known as the shadow planet. He represents the darker side of our lives—the aspects we view as obstacles in our growth, such as addiction, extreme ambition, and anger. By understanding the energy of Rahu and honoring him through various rituals or practices, we can work through any challenges he presents us with. Let’s take a look at some of these rituals and practices for working with Rahu.

Rituals for Working with Rahu

Rituals are a powerful way to connect to and honor Rahu. Here are a few rituals that can be done on a regular basis to cultivate a relationship with this mysterious god.

1. Chanting

Chanting mantras specifically dedicated to Rahu is an effective way to invoke his power and presence. The most common mantra used when working with Rahu is “Om Bhram Bhreem Bhroum Sah Rahave Namaha” which means “I bow to Lord Rahu who gives us strength and courage”. Chanting this mantra 108 times daily will open up your heart space and allow you to connect more deeply with this deity.

Other mantras that can be chanted include “Om Jambhake Namaha” which translates to “Salutations to Jambhaka (another name for Rahu)” or “Om Hram Hreem Hroum Sah Rahave Namaha” which translates to “I bow down before Lord Rahu who brings success in all endeavors”.

2. Meditation

Meditating on the energy of Rahu helps ground your practice in spiritual awareness while also allowing you to gain insight into what challenges he might be presenting you with at any given time. You can begin this meditation by sitting comfortably and focusing on your breath for a few minutes until your mind is clear and relaxed. Once you reach this state, imagine yourself surrounded by a bright red light filled with divine power—this is the energy of Lord Shani (Rahu’s elder brother).

Visualize this light filling every cell of your body until it reaches your heart center where it then changes into an intense purple light—this is the energy of Lord Rahu himself! Concentrate on this energy for several minutes before coming back out of meditation slowly, taking note of anything that arises during that time period.

3. Offerings

Making offerings to Lord Rahu is another way to honor his power within you. These offerings could be anything from flowers or incense sticks placed near his shrine or even just offering up words of gratitude or thanksgiving each day when connecting with him spiritually. Never underestimate how much even simple acts can mean when they come from an open heart!


Working with Lord Rahu requires patience, dedication, and faith but those who do so will find they reap many benefits from their practice! Through ritualistic practices such as chanting mantras, meditating on his energy, and making offerings to him regularly; we can learn how best to work with any obstacles that may arise due to his influence in our lives so we may move forward towards healing ourselves and living life more fully than ever before! Thank you for taking the time today for exploring ways in which you can honor & work with Lord Rahu – I hope these tips have been helpful!