Planets in Astrology|Planets in Houses in Astrology

Rahu in 9th House in Astrology

Rahu in 9th House in Astrology

Rahu in 9th house in Astrology is a difficult position for Rahu to be in, as this is the house of law, religion, culture, and tradition while Rahu goes against all of these things. Rahu in 9th House in Vedic Astrology either makes the native very religious, who usually leave their religious beliefs later on in life or the native never believes in religion.

The 9th house represents religious beliefs, philosophical, cultural inscriptions and teachings. It represents long-distance travel, holy pilgrimage, the fortune in native’s life and a positive outlook regarding wealth.

Rahu is known as the shadow planet. It represents the native’s past life obsession that was not completed and will be accomplished in the current life. Rahu aspires to the shortcuts and creates an illusion or unfair ways to achieve things it desires. Rahu represents breaking the stereotypes and the malefic energy.

Significance and Characteristics of Rahu in 9th House

  • Rahu, in the ninth house, feels privileged to know about the higher values of society. The native of Rahu in the ninth house is obsessed with learning and understanding religious values. The native can become a famous spiritual leader who believes and creates his own religion and path and convinces others to follow it.
  • The native always wants to be on the top of everything and wants to lead everything. He does not agree or listen to the teachings of his teachers or elders and becomes rebellious because of it. The native will have to travel long distances or to foreign lands in search of themselves, and he might adapt to some other culture/ religion.
  • The relationship with siblings is unusual and controlling from the native’s side. The native of Rahu in the ninth house will become overachievers in aspects of creativity, education and children, and he will be having a lot of children.

Rahu in 9th House in Astrology

What does the 9th House signify in Astrology?

The 9th house in Vedic Astrology shows interest in religion, long-distance travel, and higher philosophical education. This house rule advance education like Ph.D. or master’s, but also the education that brings wisdom in one’s life, whether negative or positive, which depends on the planet and signs that rule this house. This house also represents the law field as 9th house is about doing the right things or being punished for it. It’s the house of your gurus as in teachers and teachings of your father.

The 9th house starts the third group of 4 houses. Suppose, the person is settled and is establishing his life purpose at this stage. It is a time for getting deeply tuned to one’s Dharma (path) in life. The transformative qualities of the 8th house settle into a coherent pattern in the 9th house.

The 9th house in Astrology corresponds to the upper part of the legs, the thighs. Sagittarius corresponds to the 9th house. The ruler of Sagittarius is Jupiter, adding higher education and fortune to its significations.

What does Rahu represent in Astrology?

Rahu is the moon’s north node and is a head without a body that keeps devouring things without ever being satisfied. It desires material things and worldly accomplishments, and it wants to achieve the highest success possible in whatever house and sign it represents.

Rahu represents the universe’s goals for us to achieve whether we like it or not. Rahu is mainly known as the eclipse, and it eclipses the Moon and the Sun whenever it’s in conjunction with them. This means temporary darkness upon the native’s life when the Sun and Rahu are in conjunction in a birth horoscope.

Rahu also brings fear and stressful situations into our lives, and this is due to Rahu’s adventurous nature that loves surprises. With Rahu, sudden events occur, which may not be a real part of our lives but rather an illusion that becomes a reality.

Rahu in Astrology is a very unsteady and erratic force ruled by obsessive passions and unconcerned with ethical notions of right and wrong. Because of this, Rahu can bring excellent material progress, though any success gained under its influence is likely to be short-lived. Rahu is tricky and sneaky and creates illusions of all kinds.

Auspicious Results of Rahu in 9th House in Astrology

  • One will be a hardworking person, an ascetic, sympathetic, and affectionate towards one’s family.
  • One may be migratory, visit religious places, and be a religious, kind, and cultured person.
  • One will be scholarly, respected, honoured, and recognized.
  • One will amaze everyone with his talents.
  • One will be devoted to God and religious places and will have faith and belief.
  • One will not forget favours and will always be grateful.
  • One will always rear his family.
  • One will donate money, perform pious deeds, follow family traditions, and be well known.
  • One will not leave work incomplete and will strive very hard to succeed and attain his goal.
  • One will be reformative, have self-control, and make efforts to work for the welfare of the people.
  • One will be skilled at varied arts.
  • One will have royal connections.
  • One will be happy, wealthy, prosperous, and possessing various jewels and ornamental clothes.
  • One will have many servants at home.
  • One will be wealthy, happy, and fortunate.
  • One will be victorious in big gatherings.
  • One will obey his spouse.
  • One will be affectionate towards friends.
  • One will benefit from domestic trade.
  • One will be the chief of his village or city.
  • There would not be any unity among brothers.
  • The brothers will progress only if they are separated.
  • One may be the only son, or one may be the eldest or youngest.
  • One may have elder or younger sisters. If sisters are not there, this combination of planets is fatal for brothers.
  • One behaves respectfully with the opposite sex.

Rahu in 9th House in Vedic Astrology

Inauspicious Results of Rahu in 9th House in Astrology

  • One is irreligious, does not work, is poor, fraudulent, lacking happiness, and is unfortunate.
  • One may not have much faith in religion.
  • One may criticize religion and may not perform his duties.
  • One may be engrossed in the religion of lowly people, be untruthful, have bad character, is unfortunate and dull-headed.
  • One may be proud, untruthful, and wicked-minded.
  • One may wear dirty clothes.
  • One’s religion may be destroyed, and he may perform inauspicious deeds.
  • One may act sinfully.
  • One will not attain much happiness.
  • One may lack wealth and good fortune.
  • One might be a wanderer.
  • One may not be enthusiastic about the fun and play activities of his community.
  • One may oppose his brothers and relatives and maybe deprived of happiness from them.
  • One may fear enemies.
  • One may speak opposing the general opinion.
  • One may have relations with a lowly person of the opposite sex.
  • One may suffer from childlessness.
  • One may suffer gastric problems and physical pain.
  • One may be opposed to religion and be inimical towards his father.
  • One may suffer public criticism and opposition.
  • One may be in service.
  • One may go in for foreign trade to earn money but may suffer losses.
  • One may lose money in foreign banks.

Note: The degree of auspiciousness and inauspiciousness will depend upon a complete analysis of the horoscope (birth-chart).

Rahu in 9th House For Various Ascendants in Astrology

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