Ketu in 5th House for Scorpio Ascendant Vedic Astrology
Characteristics of Rahu in 5th House for Scorpio Ascendant
- The native is intelligent but faces difficulties in getting higher education.
- The native bears some trouble with children.
- The native is wise and talkative.
- The native always cheats to achieve his selfish objectives.
- The native is very clever to get his work done by others within pre-set limits of time.
- The native is in the habit of taking stimulants for strength. It results in his anger and is not good for his health and happiness
What does 5th House in Astrology Signify?
- The first step away from home is school. The fifth house represents education and learning, intelligence and one’s mental inclinations.
- The liver, stomach, and spleen are next after the chest. Note that the division between the 4th and 5th house corresponds to the diaphragm that separates the chest from the space below. The liver is an extremely intelligent and complex organ that regulates a lot of chemical processes in the body.
- The liver is also able to re-grow itself if parts are removed. This supports the fifth house signification of intelligence and adds creativity.
- Simha (Leo) is the corresponding sign and adds to the signification of intellect (Surya represents the brain).
Rahu in 5th House for Scorpio Ascendant
What does Rahu represent in Vedic Astrology?
- Rahu is a very unsteady and erratic force ruled by obsessive passions and unconcerned with ethical notions of right and wrong.
- Because of this, Rahu can bring great material progress, though any success gained under its influence is likely to be short-lived.
- Rahu is tricky and sneaky and creates illusions of all kinds.- It especially manifests in one’s compulsions or uncontrollable passions.
What does Scorpio Ascendant in Astrology signify?
- Jataka knight born in ‘Scorpio’ ascendant, very thoughtful, innocent, full of knowledge, wrathful, worshipped with kings, virtue, scholar, antagonist, hypocrite, hypocrite, misanthropist, tamoguni, who knows the mind of others.
- It is blasphemous, bitter in nature, and one who does service. His body is frizzy and gross, eyes are round.
- The chest is wide.
- He is slanderous, merciless, astrologer, and a beggar to brothers.
- He remains unhappy in the first phase of his life and in middle age, Bhagyoday occurs at the age of 20 or 24 years.
Prediction of Planets in Various Houses for Scorpio Ascendant
Sun in Different Houses for Scorpio Ascendant
Moon in Different Houses for Scorpio Ascendant:-
Mercury in Different Houses for Scorpio Ascendant
Venus in Different Houses for Scorpio Ascendant
Mars in Different Houses for Scorpio Ascendant
Jupiter in Different Houses for Scorpio Ascendant
Saturn in Different Houses for Scorpio Ascendant
Rahu in Different Houses for Scorpio Ascendant
Ketu in Different Houses for Scorpio Ascendant
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