Ascendants in Astrology>Libra (Tula) Ascendant

Moon in 10th House for Libra Ascendant in Astrology

Moon in 10th House for Libra Ascendant in Vedic Astrology

Moon in 10th house for libra ascendant is in the sign of cancer, and it signifies career path, fluctuations, public image, social status, rank, and reputation. Moon also rules the 8th house, representing the occult science, hidden talents and secrets, secrecy, and sudden events.

Characteristics of Moon in 10th House for Libra Ascendant

  • Moon in 10th house for Libra ascendant signifies that native will face many fluctuations in his career.
  • The native will meet his mother from the past life in present life in the form of his boss or a person at the authoritative position in his office.
  • There is a chance that the native of the moon in 10th house for libra ascendant seduce or gets seduced by his boss.
  • The native may start working early in his life, and after the age of 34, he might become a life coach or a mentor and teach others about various aspects of life.
  • For the native, the transformation happens at work. But this transformation might be positive and help him grow.
  • One with the moon in 10th house for Libra ascendant can become an excellent creative writer, but this will depend on the degree of the moon in the birth chart.
  • The native is always conscious about his career, reputation in society, and his work.
  • The native will be compassionate, emotional, sensitive, independent, and religious.

Moon in 10th House for Libra Ascendant

Moon in 10th House for Libra Ascendant

Auspicious Results of Moon in 10th House for Libra Ascendant

  • The native with Moon in 10th House for Libra Ascendant is industrious, conducts a big business, earns huge wealth, and gets honour and fame in government and society.
  • The native gets love from his mother.
  • The native gets the advantage of property and building.
  • The native enjoys all pleasures of life.
  • The native lives like a king with great pomp and show.
  • The native respects his father and gets full cooperation from him.

Inauspicious Results of Moon in 10th House for Libra Ascendant

  • The native spends too much on costly domestic decoration and family happiness.
  • A native is a man of self-pride.

What does 10th House in Astrology signify?

The 10th House shows your image in the outer world, like your place of work and community, as it’s opposite to the 4th house that represents your home and your private life.

The tenth house represents the working years, the time of life when one is fully productive and career-oriented. The 10th house represents the source of livelihood, the everyday work we do. It is the most active house and is generally connected to the way we do things and how the outside world labels us.

Physically, the 10th house corresponds to the 2nd part of the legs, that is, the knees. Capricorn corresponds to the 10th house.

What does Moon represent in Astrology?

  • Moon in Astrology represents your mother, or motherly figures, your emotional response to your environment, and your imagination since the Moon is your mind.
  • The Moon shows the way a native thinks and reacts to the situation.
  • A good moon in your horoscope or birth chart in astrology will make the following things benefic or auspicious, i.e., your relationship with your mother and your mind will be calm & you will be a creative being.
  • If the moon is unfavourably placed in your horoscope, then it may ruin the relationship with your mother.

What does Libra Ascendant in Astrology signify?

  • The native born in the ‘Libra’ Ascendant (Lagna) is virtuous, business-skilled, wealthy, famous, truthful, love-loving.
  • The native is respected by the state.
  • The native is a philanthropist, pilgrim-lover, astrologer, itinerant, and is infatuated with greed and semen disorder.
  • He has to suffer at an early age, he remains happy in middle age, and the last phase is spent normally.
  • He is fortunate at the age of 31 or 32.

Prediction of Planets in Various Houses for Libra Ascendant

Sun in Different Houses for Libra Ascendant

Moon in Different Houses for Libra Ascendant

Mercury in Different Houses for Libra Ascendant

Venus in Different Houses for Libra Ascendant

Mars in Different Houses for Libra Ascendant

Jupiter in Different Houses for Libra Ascendant

Saturn in Different Houses for Libra Ascendant

Rahu in Different Houses for Libra Ascendant

Ketu in Different Houses for Libra Ascendant

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