Planets in Astrology|Planets in Houses in Astrology

Mercury in 10th House in Astrology

Mercury in 10th House in Astrology VidhyaMitra Vedic Astrology

Mercury in 10th House in Astrology

Mercury in 10th house represents career, professionalism, status in life, reputation and dignity. It is also known as the house of karma. It is the outlook of a native’s professional life because it is opposite to the fourth house. The tenth house also represents the relationship with the father, communication skills and rational analysis thinking.

Mercury in the 10th house in Astrology can give executive positions in politics, the tech sector, and the communicative sector. Mercury in 10th house in Vedic Astrology gives a very outgoing personality who loves communication & networking with people.

Significance and Characteristics of Mercury in 10th House in Astrology

  • The tenth house is known as the house of government. It signifies the relationship and communication of natives with their father. The relationship with his father seems to be more like a friend.
  • The native with intelligence and intellect has the ability to analyse and logically distinguish between certain things and perspectives.
  • The native of Mercury in the tenth house is profound in skills of writing and language. Hence, the native of Mercury in the tenth house can be seen as a journalist, a writer, a novelist, a communist, someone who writes the coded language of computers, speech counsellor, public speaker, engineer, mathematician, accountant, businessman, entrepreneur or somebody who’s an international salesman.
  • The native of  Mercury in the tenth house can be tough to understand or to connect. The natives will be more dynamic, more communicative, and they will be more of a writer, actor, or salesman who goes out there and talks and sells things. They could be seen as administrative executives because mercury is also management and administration. The natives can also be in a medical, research or scientific field.
  • Mercury in the tenth house gives a native a powerful position such as an executive in a corporation, executive in government, and his entire career can be controlled by communication. Therefore, the more communication, the more the advancement in career.

Mercury in 10th House in Astrology

What does 10th House Signify in Astrology ?

The 10th House shows your image in the outer world, like your place of work and community, as it’s opposite to the 4th house that represents your home and your private life.

The tenth house represents the working years, the time of life when one is fully productive and career-oriented. The 10th house represents the source of livelihood, the everyday work we do. It is the most active house and is generally connected to the way we do things and how the outside world labels us.

Physically, the 10th house corresponds to the 2nd part of the legs, that is, the knees. Capricorn corresponds to the 10th house.

What does Mercury represent in Astrology?

Mercury in 10th House makes a person intelligent, because, in order for anyone to have good communication, one needs to be intelligent.

Mercury also represents a native’s business and management skills due to his calculative and logical nature and love for the marketplace.

Mercury in Astrology represents speech. It also governs the logical and intellectual side of the mind, the thinking process that precedes speech, the ability to communicate and anything related to language, whether it’s using symbols, logic, information processing, or connecting with people or things.

Auspicious Results of Mercury in 10th House in Astrology

  • One with mercury in 10th house is considered to be the most auspicious position.
  • One is judicious and skilled at law.
  • One will be polite, talented, truthful, patient, prudent, and appreciative of talent.
  • One will be intelligent, pious, religious, and philosophical.
  • One will be sweet-spoken.
  • One will be pure and well-behaved, performing excellent deeds, and firmly adhering to the truth.
  • One will be established, respected, sociable, and famous.
  • One will be very valiant and popular.
  • One will be good-looking, strong, brave, and valiant.
  • One may be devoted to his parents and teachers.
  • One will get plenty of bliss from one’s mother.
  • One will have a good memory.
  • One may be skilled at mathematics and languages.
  • One will be scholarly and skilled at poetry.
  • One may accumulate wealth through muscle power.
  • One will be pleasure-loving and endowed with all types of wealth, ornaments, and property.
  • One will be financially strong and happy.
  • One may inherit paternal wealth.
  • One may attain wealth through poetry, art, writing, business, and courage.
  • One will have the comfort of a vehicle.
  • One is endowed with every possible luxury.
  • One gets success in whatever one begins.
  • One will be famous in business and will attain benefits from it.
  • One will attain fame in brokerage, writing, or business.
  • One might earn a living through arts and crafts.
  • One will be in business or a commission or travel agent.

Mercury in 10th House in Vedic Astrology

Inauspicious Results of Mercury in 10th House in Astrology

  • One may suffer eye ailments in the 28th year.
  • One may be foolish and may create obstacles at work.
  • One may be of bad character and may perform lowly deeds.

Note: The degree of auspiciousness and inauspiciousness will depend upon a complete analysis of the horoscope (birth-chart).

Mercury in 10th House for Various Ascendants in Astrology

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