Lordship in Astrology>Lord of 2nd House in Different Houses

Lord of 2nd House in 3rd House in Astrology ( 2nd House Lord in 3rd House)

Lord of 2nd House in 3rd House

Lord of 2nd House in 3rd House or 2nd House Lord in 3rd House in Astrology makes them a knowledgeable person with a good sense of accumulating their resources. They are, therefore, likely to become relatively wealthy and stay that way. They have sound minds, and their career might be linked to teaching or public speaking.

What does the 2nd House in Astrology Signify?

  • The second house represents the family we are born into, which we get immediately after birth. Along with the family, we also get the social status of that family that determines to a certain extent our financial future. Therefore wealth is signified too.
  • Physically, the face is part of the body next to the skull. The look, eyes, nose, and mouth are all signified here, and so are eating and speaking, which are done with the mouth.
  • The correspondence with Taurus (fixed, Earthy and ruled by Shukra. (Venus)) adds.
  • To the signification of wealth and luxuries, you have the Moon in this house. Therefore it is a substantial house. You are, therefore, likely to become relatively wealthy and stay that way. You have a sound mind, and your career might be linked to teaching or public speaking.

What does the 3rd House in Astrology Signify?

  • The third house represents the interaction with siblings and is an integral part of the early life experience (before school years).
  • It is a beautiful journey of exploration and discovery, learning to communicate, and building up strength and independence.
  • Physically, the following parts of the body are the shoulders and arms. The significance of arms and hands also brings in manual dexterity.
  • The correspondence with Mithuna (Gemini) adds communication.

Description of Lord of 2nd House in 3rd House in Vedic Astrology:

  • Sanketa Nidhi: If a benefic Yoga, the person will acquire wealth through brothers, music, drama, etc., if it has an Ashubha Yoga in the third house, the money will be wasted through the means mentioned above.
  • Sanketa Nidhi: Courageous, intelligent, good qualities, greedy, unfulfilled ambitions illicit and secret relations with other women.
  • Phala Jyotisha: Is brave, intelligent, good conduct, interested in other women, a miser, a despiser of gods, or a nonbeliever in god.
  • Their assets come through their self-effort.
  • Their assets come through their siblings and communication and art, and creativity.
  • They make money with their hands.
  • Their interaction with their family depends on their siblings.
  • They are self-made people.

What is meant by Sign Lord or Sign Lordship in Astrology?

  • The Sign lordships of the Planets play a vital role in interpreting the birth chart, and it is essential to understand its principles thoroughly.
  • We have seen that each sign has a planetary ruler. We have also seen that each signal corresponds to a house. Whatever is the sign’s ruler becomes the ruler of the corresponding place.
  • The ruler of the house fully represents the house. Wherever the house ruler is placed, it will cause an effect according to the nature of the one or two houses it rules.
  • Even though the ruler fully represents the house, the way the influence is delivered varies greatly depending on the Planets.

If the Sun is sitting in the 3rd house as the lord of the2nd house:

  • Their assets come through their father, and their father gives them the confidence to do things independently.
  • Their father is the source of their creativity.
  • Their father affects their communication style.
  • Their relationship with the sibling is full of ego.
  • Their sibling acts as their father and dominates them.

If the Moon is sitting in the 3rd house as the lord of the2nd house:

  • Their mother is the source of their creativity.
  • Their mother taught them communication styles.
  • They have dramatic artists.
  • They are natural actors and painters.
  • Their mind is into the communication media and siblings.
  • They are emotionally attached to their sibling and their art.

If Mercury is sitting in the 3rd house as the lord of the2nd house:

  • They are great communicators.
  • They use their intelligence to create their business through their self-effort.
  • They do business of designing and art.
  • They can be a great salesman.
  • They are brilliant romantic writers.
  • They get succeeded in business through self-efforts.

If Venus is sitting in the 3rd house as the lord of the2nd house:

  • They are natural artists.
  • They are natural designers and fashion lovers.
  • They are home decorators.
  • Their wife and female figures effects their communication style.
  • Their wife and female figures help them to gain will power of doing creativity.

If Mars is sitting in the 3rd house as the lord of the2nd house:

  • They are into boxing and martial artist.
  • They may have power struggles with their sibling.
  • They can be action heroes.
  • They are very competitive and fighters.

If Jupiter is sitting in the 3rd house as the lord of the2nd house:

  • They become gurus for their siblings.
  • They do gain finance with their self-efforts and help their family.
  • They lose their assets to their siblings.
  • Their self-effort goes into building wealth that their family and siblings can take over.

If Saturn is sitting in the 3rd house as the lord of the2nd house:

  • They don’t have access to their sibling and close neighbour.
  • They do hard work to gain money and get late access to finance.
  • Their sibling is a hard worker and disciplined.
  • They are very fearful of losing their assets.
  • They bring laws into their family.
  • They can’t work in a team environment.

Lord of 2nd House (2nd House Lord) in Different houses:

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