Planets in Astrology>Sun in Astrology

How does the Sun represent the depths of our soul? 

The Sun has long been seen as a symbol of life, hope, and growth. In many cultures, it is seen as a representation of the soul. Just as the Sun provides light and warmth to the earth, so too does our soul provide light and warmth to our lives.  

Like the Sun, our soul is a source of strength and power. It is a deep well of wisdom and knowledge. It is a reservoir of love and compassion. When we allow ourselves to connect with our soul, we can tap into this vast reserve of energy and power. We can access our own inner wisdom and guidance. We can open our hearts to limitless love and compassion.  

In short, the Sun symbolizes the depths of our soul – a source of light, warmth, strength, power, wisdom, and love. When we allow ourselves to connect with our soul, we can shine brightly in the world and make a positive difference in the lives of others. 

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