Planets in Astrology>Sun in Astrology

How does mental purity relate to the Sun in astrology?

  • In astrology, mental purity has everything to do with the Sun.
  • The Sun is the planet that influences our ego, identity, and ability to express ourselves.
  • When the Sun is robust and healthy in our horoscope, we exude good energy, self-assurance, and creativity.
  • The Sun is also associated with mental clarity, power, and spiritual understanding.
  • When the Sun is strong in your natal chart, you have a strong sense of who you are and what you’re intended to do with your life.
  • Mental purity is required for the awakening of your genuine essence.

Mental purity has everything to do with the Sun in astrology. The Sun is the planet that governs our ego, our individuality, and our self-expression. When the Sun is strong and healthy in our chart, we radiate positive energy, confidence, and creativity. We are able to shine our own light assertively into the world. But when the Sun is weak or afflicted in some way, we can feel insecure, inadequate, and doubtful of ourselves. Mental purity therefore relates directly to how confident and self-assured we feel about who we are. If we have a strong healthy ego, we are able to see ourselves clearly and without judgement. 

The Sun is the most important planet in astrology, because it symbolizes our soul’s purpose and our central sense of identity. The Sun is also associated with clarity of mind, mental strength, and spiritual insight.  

So, when the Sun is strong in your chart, you have a clear sense of who you are and what you’re meant to do in life. You also have the mental strength and spiritual insight to see through the illusions of the material world and awaken to your true nature. 

Mental purity is essential for awakening your true nature. It means having a clear mind free from distractions and delusions so that you can see things as they really are. 

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