Planets in Astrology>Saturn in Astrology

How can we use Saturn’s energy to expand our horizons and grow spiritually? 

Saturn is often known as the planet of limitations and obstacles, but in reality, it also represents our determination and drive to overcome those challenges. As we harness Saturn’s energy, we can use it to push ourselves to new heights and expand our horizons.  

We can focus on setting goals and working towards them with discipline and persistence. It’s not just about material success though – harnessing Saturn’s energy can also help us grow spiritually. We can use it to challenge ourselves to open ourselves up to new perspectives and experiences, breaking old habits and patterns that may be holding us back on our spiritual journey. 

 On a larger scale, tapping into Saturn’s energy can even inspire us to work towards creating a more harmonious society based on justice and equality. Ultimately, Saturn’s energy reminds us that growth isn’t always comfortable, but it is always worth the effort. 

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