
Characteristics of Number 6 in Numerology

The number 6 in numerology governs all those who are born on the 6th, 15th and 24th of any month; more so if they are born between 20th April and 27th May and between 21st September and 27th October. The natives governed by number 6 are generally very influential and have motherly love.

Characteristics of Number 6 in Numerology | Numerology VidhyaMitra

Characteristics of Number 6 in Numerology

The Ruling Planet of Number 6 in Numerology

The number 6 stands in symbolism for the planet Venus. The planet stands for love, strong sexual urge, compassion, romance, art and music. It provides refinement, attractiveness and refined tastes, especially to women. Men governed by this number too have strong sexual urges which are healthy, refined and pleasing. They enjoy youth longer than others.

Positive Traits of Number 6 in Numerology

  • Natives of number 6 in numerology have a magnetic charm. Almost everyone loves them, and they are often worshipped by those who are under them.
  • Determination of natives of number 6 in carrying out their plans may make them appear obstinate, but this is far from the truth. They are merely carrying out their plans in the most honest manner possible.
  • Natives of number 6 when attached to someone, easily become devoted slaves to them. This does not seem to be a painful thing for them. They love their slavery, mainly because it is self-imposed.
  • Despite the influence of Venus, natives of number 6 often display motherly and spiritual love. Their affections often lean towards the ideal. Their romance involves the exaltation of the soul. The gratification of sexual urges is of much less importance.
  • Natives of number 6 love beautiful things in life. Their homes are rich and decorative, and they use rich colours. They thrive in music and arts. They love to entertain friends and make guests happy and contented. They can be very generous to art and artists.
  • Natives of number 6 hate jealousy and marital discord. They know jealousy is the green-eyed monster which is a “sour unwelcome guest”.
  • The natives of number 6 are normally friendly and peace-loving. Once aroused to anger, however, they tolerate no-nonsense and fight to their bitter end. Their fight is usually out of a sense of duty or for a cause. They believe in the dictum, “Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight”.
  • Natives of number 6 make friends more efficiently than any other number apart from number 5.
  • Natives of number 6 can influence others easily to their point of view. They usually succeed in swaying the most stubborn of persons. Their handsome personality, gentle speech and kindness help them in their persuasion.
  • Natives of number 6 rarely argue. They may discuss a point, but they would cut it short when a discussion degenerates into an argument. They know wise men discuss, and only fools argue.
  • The natives of number 6 are fond of music, poetry and dancing. They love life full of luxury, wealth and joy. They prefer to spend their money rather than save it. They never believe a rainy day can come to them.

Number 6 in Numerology

Personality Traits of Number 6 in Numerology

Important Precautionary Measures for Natives of Number 6

  • Natives of number 6 in numerology must not trust friends and people blindly. A virtue carried to extremes becomes a vice. Friendship must be based on intellectual worth and not on mutual need. Only parasites demand fulfilment of their needs.
  • Natives of number 6 should not be too stubborn and inflexible when roused in anger. It is an emotion that is destructive and negative. The genuineness of the cause is invariably forgotten when it is presented with anger; what is remembered is only the anger. Moreover, anger shows a sign of helplessness which is never the case with natives of number 6.
  • Natives of number 6 should never act in haste. Action must be taken only after due contemplation and the intellectual worth of the issue at hand.
  • Natives of number 6 should always keep in mind that too much importance to love and women can lead to loss of wealth, peace of mind. Love can heal, but only if practised in moderation, and it becomes an insult when practised beyond intellectual limits.
  • Natives of number 6 must love the intellectual worth and not the physical beauty of women. Beauty is temporary; intellectual values are permanent.
  • Natives of number 6 may become lazy on diligent as per whims, and this may lead to difficulties. They must remember that there is no substitute for hard work.
  • Lust is an animal instinct, and it provides enormous physical joy to them, but it is also very frustrating intellectually. Natives of number 6 must ensure a fine blending of the two.
  • Natives of number 6 should not indulge in too much unnecessary socializing in clubs and other social circles. This would take their mind away from genuine priorities in their lives and cause sorrow.
  • Natives of number 6 must avoid the use of intoxicants, and they are likely to get addicted to it and make themselves appear like complete fools. They may also fall seriously ill.
  • Natives of number 6 possess a sweet tooth. They must avoid excessive eating of sweet dishes and spicy foods. They may cause ill health.

Career Options for Natives of Number 6 in Numerology

Natives of number 6 are eminently suitable for certain jobs. These are mostly an outcome of their love for art, music, dance, decorative houses and food. The jobs that are most suited to them are :

  • Interior decoration.
  • Architecture.
  • Jewellery designer.
  • Music artist.
  • Confectioner, chef or hotel manager.
  • Estate brokerage or commission agent.
  • Painter
  • Sculpting.
  • Romantic fiction writer.

Health Problems that Natives of Number 6 Might Face

The main problems that natives of number 6 in numerology might face regarding their health care:

  • Infections of the nose, throat and lungs.
  • Women may suffer from their breasts.
  • Heart problem in old age due to improper circulation.
  • Epidemic fevers.
  • Nervousness
  • Urinary tract infections.
  • Constipation.

Natives of number 6 are usually of sound health and do not fall ill easily. Most of their illnesses occur when Venus is weak in transit. They must take the further mentioned precautions to keep good health. They should stay away from intoxicants. They must not eat heavy food. They must use cows or double toned milk. They must have a thirty minutes walk in the open before sunrise. This would ensure proper bowel movement and prevent constipation and many other illnesses, and also they should do pranayam regularly. If possible, they should live as much as possible in the open or the countryside. They should also avoid using spices, chillies, oil and sour things and check on salt consumption.

Lucky Marriage Partner for Natives of Number 6

The natives of number 6 are most suited to marry a person who:

  • Has their root number as 3,6 or 9, which means those born on the 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 18th, 21st, 25th, 27th and 30th of any month.
  • More so, if they are born within their lucky period of 20th April and 27th May and between 21st September and 27th October.

Romance and marriage can both flourish and succeed if chosen as above. Genuine bliss can occur out of such a marriage because it is truly be made in heaven. “The ancient saying is no heresy: Hanging and wiving go by destiny”.

Lucky Friendship for Natives of Number 6

The natives of number 6 make friends easily but get lucky in friendship and partnership if they make friendships with people born on the 6th, 15th and 28th of any month. Natives born on the 3rd, 9th, 12th, 18th, 21st, 27th and the 30th are also suited to be their friends. Partnership with them would prove most beneficial over prolonged periods.

Lucky Days, Dates & Overall Periods for Natives of Number 6

The most fortunate dates for natives of number 6 are the 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 18th, 21st, 24th, 27th and 30th of any month.

Moreover, if these natives endeavour to carry out any important plans, they must try to carry out the work on the dates that fall between 20th April and 27th May and between 21st September and 27th October.

The most fortunate days for natives of number 6 in a week are mostly:

Lucky Colour for Natives of Number 6

The lucky colours of natives of number 6 are all shades of Blue, Pink.

Natives of number 6 must wear these colours as far as possible, at least for important occasions. If wearing them is not always possible, they must be prominently visible in the colour combination. Alternatively, a blue or pink handkerchief, preferably visible, would also suffice.

They must also have these colours in the rooms in which they live. The colours of the walls, drapes, furniture of these colours would bring affluence and peace of mind. These colours become mandatory if they are going for an interview or otherwise seeking approval, like, for instance, a first date or a marriage proposal. Success would come much easier if this small but significant thing is adhered to. They must avoid wearing black or dark purple.

Lucky Jewel and Stone for Natives of Number 6

The lucky jewels for the natives of number 6 are diamonds and emeralds.

The natives should wear diamonds in:

  • Approximately 7 rattis weight.
  • It should be embedded in a ring made of platinum or white metal in a manner that the top of the ring is exposed to nature and its bottom touches the skin of the wearer.
  • The diamond can be worn on any finger.
  • The ring containing the diamond must be worn on Friday.
  • The diamond must be purified in raw cow’s milk for 3 hours before wearing.
  • The diamond should not be worn with ruby, pearl, red coral and yellow sapphire.
  • Its cheaper substitutes are white zircon, tourmaline and white coral.

The natives should wear emerald in:

  • Approximately 6 rattis weight.
  • It should be embedded in a ring made of gold in a manner that the top of the ring is exposed to nature, and its bottom touches the skin of the wearer.
  • The ring must be worn on a Wednesday.
  • The emerald must be purified in raw cow’s milk for at least three hours.
  • The ring must be worn on the little finger.
  • The emerald should not be worn with red coral, pearl, gomedh and cat’s eyes.
  • Its substitutes are jade, aquamarine, peridot, agate and green zircon.

Unhealthy Months and Years for Natives of Number 6

Along with lucky months and lucky times comes somewhat unhealthy times too. The natives of number 6 will find notable changes in their 15th, 24th, 42nd, 51st and 60th years. They must protect against ill-health and overwork in May, October and November. If the remedies are correctly followed, the negative impacts of unhealthy months and years can be minimized. So natives must not worry much and instead follow the remedies properly and have faith and worship God with true faith, and all the ill effects can be minimized.

Lucky Metal for Natives of Number 6 in Numerology

The lucky metal for natives of number 6 is platinum. If the natives of number 6 wear or keep platinum metal with them, it can bring luck and positive results. So it is mainly advised to keep platinum metal with them.

Further Reading :

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