Planets in Astrology>Sun in Astrology

Are there any special mantras or chants that can be used to invoke the energy of the Sun? 

The Sun has been revered throughout history as a source of life-giving energy. In many cultures, the Sun is seen as a god or goddess, and it is often invoked in prayers and rituals. There are many mantras and chants that can be used to invoke the energy of the Sun.  

One of the most popular is “Om Surya Namah.” This mantra means “I bow to the Sun.” It is often chanted with the hands in a prayer position, and it can be repeated 108 times. Another popular mantra is “So Hum,” which means “I am That.”  

This mantra is often chanted while focusing on the Solar Plexus, the area of the body associated with the Sun. By chanting these mantras, we can connect with the powerful energy of the Sun and bring more light into our lives. 

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