Planets in Astrology>Rahu in Astrology

What offerings can be made to Rahu to receive his blessings?

  • Rituals for offering items to Rahu usually involve placing leaves on a plate or tray in front of the deity, as well as offering food items, incense sticks, and camphor.
  • Traditional items that are said to be especially pleasing to Rahu include black sesame seeds, black urad dal (lentils), kala til (sesame seeds), jaggery (unrefined sugar), and coconut water or milk.
  • The gemstone associated with Rahu is hessonite garnet, which is said to carry powerful energetic properties that can attract prosperity and luck into one’s life when it is offered properly as an offering to the deity.

Throughout Hinduism, Rahu is known as a powerful deity who can be pleased with offerings and prayers. He is believed to have control over human destiny, and offering items to him can help bring positive energy into your life. Today we will explore some of the offerings that can be made to Rahu in order to receive his blessings.

Rituals For Offering To Rahu

The most common ritual for making an offering to Rahu involves placing leaves on a plate or tray in front of the deity. This is typically done as part of a larger puja ceremony for other gods and goddesses as well. After this, you should offer food items such as fruits, sweets, flowers and rice. You can also offer incense sticks and camphor during the ritual. The ritual should end with saying a prayer praising Rahu and requesting his blessings for good fortune and success.

Traditional Items For Offering To Rahu

There are certain traditional items that are said to be especially pleasing to Rahu. These include black sesame seeds, black urad dal (lentils), kala til (sesame seeds), jaggery (unrefined sugar) and coconut water or milk. All of these items should be offered while chanting mantras dedicated to Rahu in order to make sure that your offering carries more power when it reaches him. Doing this will increase the chances that he will grant your wishes and bring good luck into your life.

Gems For Offering To Rahu

The gemstone associated with Rahu is hessonite garnet, which is said to carry powerful energetic properties that can attract prosperity and luck into one’s life when it is offered properly as an offering to the deity. Before offering your hessonite garnet gemstone, it should first be purified by immersing it in water mixed with holy ash for at least three hours before drying it off completely before use in rituals or puja ceremonies. Additionally, once you place the gemstone on the plate or tray before the deity, it should not be touched until after the puja has been completed and all offerings have been cleared away from the altar area.


 Rituals for offering items to deities like Rahu are an important part of Hindu culture and religion. By understanding what offerings are seen as most pleasing by deities like Rahu, we can move closer towards obtaining their blessings in our lives. Keep in mind that no matter what you choose to offer him—from traditional items such as fruits or sweetmeats, gems such as hessonite garnet or anything else—it’s important that you do so with an open heart filled with love and gratitude if you wish to receive his favor! Good luck!