Many yogas and doshas are formed in our birth chart by placements of particular planets in particular houses with certain conjunctions and specific aspects. Veshi yoga is one of the essential and well-known yogas in astrology.
Yogas are auspicious combinations of conjunctions, placements of planets formed by planets placement in different houses and signs. According to their birth chart, these yogas are planets’ movements that result in considerable changes in native life.
Veshi Yoga in Astrology
This is one of the essential yogas which is formed by the Sun. Veshi Yoga in astrology is auspicious yoga, and its formation brings positivity and auspiciousness into native’s life who has this yoga in their birth chart. Native gets all the blessings of planet Sun.
Planet Sun denotes king, authority, government, pride, aggression, royalty, soul, spirituality, ego, so natives benefit from all the sun-related fields.
There are 3 Yogas formed with the planet Sun: Veshi Yoga, Vashi Yoga, and Ubhayachari Yoga. These Yogas are created when planets are around the Sun except the Moon. The Moon has not been included in the formation of the Sun’s Yogas.
So any yoga formed in the birth chart related to the Sun, king of the planets, keeps much importance in any chart and has the power to give native authoritative position, government favours, good relations with father and father figure, recognition and fame, respect and wealth in their life.
For every yoga to form in the birth chart, there are some particular planets particular houses and signs are involved, and there are some rules to develop that yoga and gain benefits through that fully so this yoga also have some rules as:
- One condition is if one or more planets are placed in the next house where the Sun is positioned, Veshi yoga is formed.
- Another condition is that the placement of Moon, Rahu and Ketu only in the house next to the house of the Sun is not considered for the formation of this yoga. So one or more than one planet other than Moon, Rahu and Ketu should be placed in the house next to the house of placement of Sun in a birth chart for the formation of this yoga in that horoscope.
- Once Veshi yoga is formed, check the strength of the yoga-like what degrees these planets are placed in what nakshatra these planets are placed. Are there any aspects of malefic planets? Are they in conjunction with other planets?
- Retrogression and combustion of the planet should also be considered, as it may diminish all the sound effects of yoga.
- Any malefic aspects over the given house can change the benefits less effectively or diminish all the good or bad results, so all these things should be checked.
- Native’s full birth chart should be analyzed to see if yoga is formed to the level of giving its good results and benefits.
- Yoga/dosha gives more results under the Mahadasha and Antardasha of the planets of houses involved in forming this yoga.
What are the significance and effects of this yoga? | Veshi Yoga Effects
- Natives are leaders at their workplace.
- Native gets authoritative positions in life.
- Native receives the support of father and father figures and have good relations with them.
- Native get benefits from the government.
- Native have kingly looks and aura.
- Native is well respected in society and at their workplace.
- Native workers work for the people under them.
- Native blessed with Veshi yoga will be “Samdarshi” (having balanced Outlook) in all sorts & perspectives and peoples of their life. They do not differentiate one person from another.
- Native is liberal, humble, truthful, trustworthy and honest.
- Native is inclined and interested toward spirituality, religious and traditional activities.
- Native is tall and handsome, but the upper part of their body will be wicked-structured and developed properly with growing age.
- A person born under Veshi yoga will be joyful, witty, fun-loving and full of life. One drawback is that they will be lazy and late movers in their behavior and activities. You will be a happy go lucky sort of person.
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