Planets in Astrology>Sun in Astrology

What is the significance of the sun in relation to business deals?

At its core, business is about relationships. It’s about the exchange of goods and services between people, and the creation of value for all parties involved. When we conduct business dealings, we are effectively opening ourselves up to others, and inviting them into our lives. In order to create mutually beneficial relationships, it’s important that we approach others with an open heart and mind. The sun is a symbol of warmth and positivity, and it’s often used as a metaphor for enlightenment. By invoking the sun in our business dealings, we are opening ourselves up to new possibilities and inviting positive energy into our lives.

When we radiate positivity, we attract others who are also seeking to create value in the world. The sun is a reminder that there is always potential for growth and progress, no matter what challenges we may face. By keeping the sun in mind, we can approach business dealings with optimism and hope, which will ultimately lead to more successful relationships. 

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