Yogas in Astrology

What is Kalanidhi Yoga in Astrology?

Many yogas and doshas are formed in our birth chart by placements of particular planets in particular houses with certain conjunctions and specific aspects. Kalanidhi yoga is one of the essential and well-known yogas in astrology.

Kalanidhi Yoga, formed in the birth chart of many eminent people, plays an essential role in getting success and fame. Out of the many promising benefits of this yoga developed under beneficial Jupiter, it helps a person get happiness in life. Native brings immense wealth as this astrological yoga affect a native’s personality to know the person’s nature and character through different yoga forms. Native gets successful in all his endeavours; this yoga gives native, good results in many areas of life.

Kalanidhi Yoga in Astrology

Kalanidhi Yoga in astrology is a yoga which is formed by specific placements of Jupiter in particular houses and clear signs which gives blessings of planet Jupiter to the native that native attain success in their all endeavours of life as well they gain huge wealth name and fame for whatever they do and total result of their hard work in specific fields.

How Kalanidhi Yoga is formed?

There are some conditions to see if Kalanidhi yoga is formed in the birth chart or not:

  • If native’s ascendant is a movable sign like Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn and Jupiter conjunct with lord of the 9th house apart from this lord of 5th house is placed in 5th house, and lord of 10th house is set in 11th house then a strong Kalanidhi Yoga is formed.
  • If Native’s Navamsa chart ascendant is a movable sign like Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn and Jupiter conjunct with lord of the 9th house apart from this lord of 5th house is placed in 5th house. The Lord of 10th house is set in the 11th house then a strong Kalanidhi Yoga is formed.
  • If Jupiter is conjunct with or aspected by Mercury and Venus, either in the 2nd or the 5th or in the 9th house, then Kalanidhi Yoga occurs. If Jupiter occupies the 2nd or 5th house and in the signs of Mercury (i.e. Gemini/Virgo) or Venus (Taurus/Libra), Kalanidhi yoga occurs.
  •  If Mercury & Venus are conjoined and occupied in the 2nd or 5th house and and the signs of Jupiter (i.e. Sagittarius/Pisces) , Kalanidhi yoga occurs.

What are the significance and effects of this yoga? | Kalanidhi Yoga Effects

  • The native with Kalanidhi yoga will be extremely wealthy, very healthy, learned, honored and powered by the king / government.
  • Native is highly passionate, good-natured, noble, humble, charitable, rewarded by kings (rulers), commanding different kinds of conveyances and all sorts of royal comforts.
  • Native will have all materialistic & worldly pleasures and enjoyments, wealth, property, popularity, fame, respect and success in their life.
  • Native lives his life like a king and maybe a very successful leader/ businessman/professionals in their work area.
  • They belong to an aristocratic society and are free from diseases. The native gets progress in the business. The native is successful in getting abundant wealth.
  • Kalanidhi Yoga makes them win the world and become famous and wealthy. They are aware of the talent that is hidden inside them. For instance, if they have this yoga in their kundali, it is clear that they possess a skill that can be perfected only by them.
  • Many people have this yoga in their kundalini and have proved their mettle to the world. They can take a cue from the famous sports celebrities who have won the hearts of millions with a skill they have perfected with continuous hard work and dedication.
  • They will gain society’s respect in many ways if they have this yoga in their kundali.
  • They will enjoy a luxurious life full of material comforts with the help of this yoga.
  • Kalanidhi Yoga enhances their intelligence and wisdom and enables them to make the right decisions appropriately.
  • This yoga blesses them with good health and boosts their immunity, saving them from life-threatening diseases.

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