Planets in Astrology>Sun in Astrology

What are the benefits of worshipping Sun? 

  • The Sun is considered the most important planet.
  • When we worship the Sun, we are tapping into that Fire energy to help us make positive changes in our lives.
  • The Sun also symbolizes the ego and the self, so worshiping the Sun can help us to feel more connected to our true selves.
  • By aligning with the energy of the Sun, we can open ourselves up to greater success, happiness, and fulfillment.
  • By honoring the Sun, we are opening ourselves up to new possibilities and opportunities.
  • Worshiping the Sun helps us to connect with our higher selves and our spiritual source.
  • So, there are many benefits to worshipping the sun in astrology.

The Sun is considered the most important planet. Worshipping the Sun can bring many benefits, including increased vitality and success. The Sun is associated with the Fire element, which represents energy, action, and transformation. When we worship the Sun, we are tapping into that Fire energy to help us make positive changes in our lives.  

The Sun also symbolizes the ego and the self, so worshiping the Sun can help us to feel more connected to our true selves. By aligning with the energy of the Sun, we can open ourselves up to greater success, happiness, and fulfillment. 

The Sun is linked to creativity, success, and abundance. By honoring the Sun, we are opening ourselves up to new possibilities and opportunities.  

Worshiping the Sun helps us to connect with our higher selves and our spiritual source. When we do this, we feel more aligned with our true purpose and path in life.

The sun is the visible deity, the world’s eyes. Day and night are generated as a result of this. There is no other deity who is as consistent as him. When he rises, the entire world rises, and when he sets, the entire world sleeps. When these rise, people open their doors to greet the one who comes, and when they set, they close their doors.

The Kalachakra was created by the Sun.

The Sun is responsible for the division of day and night, every month, Paksha and Samvat, and so on. The Sun illuminates the entire world. There is nothing but darkness without them. The Sun is the soul-carrying planet, and this kingdom bestows happiness, power, riches, grandeur, and rights, among other things. This is the first planet in the solar system because without it, we would not be able to understand the solar world in the same way that we would not be able to understand the world if we were not born by the mother.

The Sun is the centre of the solar system. That is, the entire solar system, planets, satellites, constellations, and so on, all circle around it after receiving power from the Sun, which is the lord of the Leo zodiac, and God has given the sun to illuminate the globe, operate, and offer light in the body with its brilliance. It is in charge of digestion and food digestion in the stomach in the form of gastritis.

The Sun has been described in astrology as the lord of the brain, the movement of the brain via the power of knowledge and consciousness in the cosmos, the growth of fertility and finesse, and the development of fertility and finesse. The Sun also performs destructive work. It bears witness to all of the work done by all living species on the planet. And acts as though presenting evidence to a judge. It works to tell the right and wrong inside a person’s heart, bans the individual from doing anything bad, and offers voice from the inner soul. It also provides vibrations in the heart and bones in the event of willful wrongdoing. It also instils courage in the heart to put an end to wickedness.

So, there are many benefits to worshipping the sun in astrology. By doing so, we are honoring our own inner light and power, connecting with our higher selves, and opening ourselves up to new possibilities in life. 

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