Planets in Astrology>Rahu in Astrology

What are some other remedies for overcoming the negative effects of Rahu?

Rahu is a shadow planet believed to have a strong influence on our lives. It can create obstacles, disharmony and suffering if not handled properly. Fortunately, there are many remedies that we can use to help us overcome the negative effects of Rahu. Let’s take a look at what these remedies are.

Understand How Rahu Works

The first step in overcoming the negative effects of Rahu is to understand how it works. Knowing how it affects your life will help you be more mindful of your actions and make better decisions. According to astrology, when Rahu is positioned in certain places in the zodiac, it creates chaos and discord in our lives. This can manifest in various forms such as financial losses, health issues, relationship troubles and more.

Do Remedial Practices

One way to counteract the negative effects of Rahu is by doing remedial practices such as mantra chanting, pujas (religious ceremonies) and homams (rituals). Chanting mantras like the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra or Shani Beej Mantra will help protect you from any harm caused by this planet. You can also perform pujas or homams dedicated to Lord Vishnu or Lord Shiva who are known to be able to reduce the effects of Rahu on our lives.

Be Mindful Of Your Actions

It’s important to be mindful of your actions when dealing with the negative effects of Rahu. Do not take shortcuts or cheat people out of their money; instead, focus on doing honest work and building good relationships with others. Additionally, avoid activities that bring about chaos and discord like gambling or drinking alcohol excessively; instead, focus on activities that bring peace and harmony like meditation or yoga practice. These simple steps can go a long way in helping you reduce the impact of this planet on your life.


The negative influence of Rahu can be overwhelming but it doesn’t have to be if we use wise remedies for its mitigation . Doing remedial practices like chanting mantras or performing pujas dedicated to deities like Lord Vishnu or Lord Shiva will help reduce its impact on our lives while also being mindful of our actions will also help us stay away from activities that bring chaos into our lives . By understanding how this shadow planet works and using these above mentioned remedies , we can easily combat its effects and continue living peacefully without any worries .