Planets in Astrology>Rahu in Astrology

What are some of the key things to remember when dealing with Rahu in your horoscope?

  • Rahu is a powerful planet from the Vedic astrology system that can have a major impact on our lives.
  • It is believed to be a shadow planet that moves around the Sun, and when it reaches certain points in its orbit, it has a strong influence on our lives.
  • Rahu influences many aspects of our lives including career, marriage, relationships, health and finances.
  • To make sure that we reap the positive benefits of Rahu in our lives, we should focus on strengthening this planet by performing certain rituals and prayers regularly.

Rahu is a powerful planet from the Vedic astrology system that can have a major impact on our lives. It is believed to be a shadow planet that moves around the Sun, and when it reaches certain points in its orbit, it has a strong influence on our lives. If you want to understand how Rahu affects your life, it’s important to know some key things about this mysterious and powerful planet.

How Does Rahu Affect You?

Rahu influences many aspects of our lives. It can affect our career, marriage, relationships, health, finances and more. When Rahu is strong in your horoscope (or chart), it can bring unexpected opportunities and success. But if it’s weak or negative, it can cause problems in all areas of life such as illness and bad luck. To ensure that you reap the positive benefits of Rahu, you should focus on strengthening this planet in your chart by performing certain rituals and prayers regularly.

Remedies for Strengthening Rahu

There are many remedies for strengthening Rahu in your horoscope. One effective remedy is chanting mantras dedicated to Lord Shiva or Goddess Durga regularly. You can also wear gemstones related to Rahu such as hessonite or gomedh for better results. Additionally, making donations to people who are less fortunate than you will also help activate the positive energy of this planet in your life.

The Importance of Timing

When dealing with any aspect of Vedic astrology such as Rahu, timing is essential. This is because certain planets move at different speeds through the sky which affects their ability to bring good luck or bad luck into our lives at any given time.

Therefore, consulting an experienced astrologer who can accurately calculate the position of each planetary body relative to yours will give you a better understanding of how they’re affecting your life right now and what steps you should take next to gain maximum benefit from them.


Rahu is an important planet from the Vedic astrology system that has a profound influence on our lives if we let it work for us instead of against us. To make sure that we get the most out of this potent celestial body, there are certain remedies we should follow such as chanting mantras dedicated to Lord Shiva or Goddess Durga regularly and wearing gemstones associated with Rahu like hessonite or gomedh stones for better results.

Additionally, consulting an experienced astrologer who understands how planetary positions affect us will help us make smarter decisions regarding any aspect of our life influenced by this mysterious cosmic force called Rahu!