Saturn in 2nd House for Gemini Ascendant in Astrology
Characteristics of Saturn in 2nd House for Gemini Ascendant
- The native is generous, fortunate and lazy. He suffers the loss of accumulated wealth and other types of troubles with joint family members.
- The native face certain difficulties. He gets some happiness and blessings of mother and enjoys handling land and buildings property.
- The native with Saturn in 2nd House for Gemini Ascendant is restless and selfish.
- The native gets advantage of long span of life and benefit of inheritance.
- The native with Saturn in 2nd House for Gemini Ascendant has a long life.
- The native with Saturn in 2nd House for Gemini Ascendant works hard to get success and progress.
- The native faces some difficulties and ultimately he gains and accumulates adequate wealth.
- The native with Saturn in 2nd House for Gemini Ascendant leads a happy and comfortable life.
What does 2nd House in Astrology Signify?
- The second house represents the family we are born into, which we get immediately after birth. Along with the family, we also get the social status of that family that determines to a certain extent our financial future. Therefore wealth is signified too.
- Physically, the face is part of the body next to the skull. The face, eyes, nose, and mouth are all signified here, and so are eating and speaking which are done with the mouth.
- The correspondence with Taurus, (fixed, Earthy and ruled by Shukra. (Venus)) adds to the signification of wealth and luxuries. You have the Moon in this house, therefore it is an important house.
Saturn in 2nd House for Gemini Ascendant
What does Saturn represent in Vedic Astrology?
- Saturn represents grief, although this rather harsh description must be understood in more depth, for Saturn is a very important and sometimes deeply spiritual influence in the horoscope.
- Saturn symbolizes everything that is deep, profound, thorough, long lasting, and serious in life.
- It is associated with all the aspects of life that teach one how to be more thoughtful and practical, as well as deep and profound.
- The condition of Saturn in the birth chart will indicate whether these values are put to good use by adding depth and a sense of meaning to life, or whether one refuses to “get serious” and therefore experiences the “grief’ of being forCed to comply with Saturn’s demands.
What does Gemini Ascendant in Astrology signify?
- The person born in Gemini Ascendant has the body color of wheat and face is round.
- She is an obsessive among women, lover of dance-music-instrument, comedic, messenger, sweet-spoken, humorous, craftsman, subjective, clever, poet, philanthropist, happy, pilgrim, mathematician, noble, multi-born and friendly.
- Sushil, Daani, who uses many types of indulgences, is close to the king and suffers from the king and has beautiful hair.
- A person with Gemini Ascendant has a medium age.
- He is happy in his initial stage, sad in middle age, and re-consumptive in the last stage. His fate is between 32 and 35 years of age.
Prediction of Planets in Various Houses for Gemini Ascendant
Sun in Different Houses for Gemini Ascendant
Moon in Different Houses for Gemini Ascendant:-
Mercury in Different Houses for Gemini Ascendant
Venus in Different Houses for Gemini Ascendant
Mars in Different Houses for Gemini Ascendant
Jupiter in Different Houses for Gemini Ascendant
Saturn in Different Houses for Gemini Ascendant
Rahu in Different Houses for Gemini Ascendant
Ketu in Different Houses for Gemini Ascendant
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