Planets in Signs in Astrology|Signs in Astrology

Rahu in Sagittarius | Rahu Sagittarius in Birth Chart

Rahu in Sagittarius

The zodiac Sagittarius represents higher learning and affinity for learning new things. The natives of Rahu in Sagittarius are associated with teachers, fathers and gurus in one’s life. It is related to learning about the world, religion, scriptures and spirituality. It is about learning law and the rules of the world. It represents someone who is priest-like and loves to teach. Rahu is acting elaborately. It magnifies everything in order to increase one’s material prosperity and demonstrates one’s passion for the goals that one is here to pursue. Rahu is the planet of alien objects, lands, and people. Rahu is the illusionist and the sorcerer. Rahu is the planet of mass communication, technology, and imagination.

Characteristics of Rahu in Sagittarius

  • Rahu’s energy is focused on being the first and the best teacher when in Sagittarius. He wants to be the best teacher, the best motivator and the one to change people’s lives.
  • The natives of Sagittarius with Rahu want to write a theory paper on philosophy and religion. They want to go out and talk to people about what religion means and what God wants.
  • They want to break boundaries in their field of interest. They want to leave a mark in the field of religion and philosophy.
  • Rahu becomes obsessed with making people learn about things like religion and philosophy. It makes sure that they never skip these important aspects of life.
  • The natives of Sagittarius wants to make everyone a perfect student. Rahu feels privileged to be knowing about scriptures, religious texts and philosophy. They want to go out and mass-communicate their knowledge to everyone out there.
  • They don’t want to teach a small group of people, they want a big lecture hall where they can teach more people at once. They wish to write books and hold seminars regarding their area of interest.
  • Rahu seeks pleasure from material gains. Here, it gets paid to teach and share its knowledge. People around the natives respect them for being the coolest priest, teacher or instructor.

What does Rahu signifies in Astrology?

  • Rahu is a shadow planet in Astrology that takes the form of a headless/serpent-headed humanoid. As a result, Rahu rules temptations and worldly possessions, and he will never be satisfied with minor rewards, preferring instead to take the lion’s share.
  • Rahu is a savage. As a result, natives influenced by Rahu will have a squabbling attitude.
  • The lion is Rahu’s mode of transportation in mythology, and the lion is an animal that does not hurt when it is not hungry.
  • Similarly, natives controlled by Rahu will take it easy and only strike/hunt when absolutely necessary.
  • Rahu is chaotic and unreliable energy in Astrology, controlled by intense desires and unconcerned with ethical ideals of right and evil.
  • Rahu can bring significant material advancement, albeit any prosperity achieved under its influence is likely to be fleeting.
  • Rahu is deceptive, and he creates a variety of illusions. It reveals itself most visibly in one’s unrestrained passions.
  • In contrast to Rahu, who is more concerned with external, worldly issues, Ketu is an unsteady and sometimes deceitful force, but its traits are more abstract and internal in nature.
  • Rahu is enamoured with worldly wealth and material possessions. In Vedic astrology, Rahu signifies one’s ambitions, or what one is continuously thinking about.

Read more about – Rahu in Astrology

What does Sagittarius Sign signifies in Astrology?

Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the Zodiac. Sagittarius is a Fire Sign and its symbol is an Archer. Sagittarians are optimistic, independent, intellectual, and enthusiastic. They thrive on freedom and hate being restricted. Sagittarians are not possessive or jealous. They are also unemotional, extravagant, excessive, and hotheaded. However, their main strength is their independence. Sagittarians are also very tolerant and make decisions quickly. They expect no favours in return for their kindness to others. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter and its element is fire.

  • People born under the sign of Sagittarius are optimistic and independent
  • They make decisions quickly and are tolerant of others
  • They thrive on freedom and hate being restricted
  • Jupiter, their ruling planet, is the largest planet in our solar system

Read More About – Sagittarius Sign

Further Reading:

Read more about – Rahu in Sagittarius

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