Rahu in 2nd House for Aries Ascendant in Vedic Astrology | VidhyaMitra Vedic Astrology
Characteristics of Rahu in 2nd House for Aries Ascendant
- The native with Rahu in 2nd House for Aries Ascendant appears mentally worried.
- The native gets a loss of wealth and separation from family.
- The native faces domestic problems and family bickering.
- The native with Rahu in 2nd House for Aries Ascendant always cares for enemies.
- The native is courageous and restless.
- The native loses their long span of life and the benefit of inheritance.
- The native with Rahu in 2nd House for Aries Ascendant regards his father.
- The native with Rahu in 2nd House for Aries Ascendant is clever in earning wealth.
- The native takes up secret efforts and opts for questionable methods to get enough wealth and be prosperous in society.
- The native leads a wealthy life.
What does 2nd House in Astrology Signify?
- The second house represents the family we are born into, which we get immediately after birth. Along with the family, we also get the social status of that family that determines to a certain extent our financial future. Therefore wealth is signified too.
- Physically, the face is part of the body next to the skull. The face, eyes, nose, and mouth are all signified here, and so are eating and speaking, which are done with the mouth.
- The correspondence with Taurus (fixed, Earthy, and ruled by Shukra. (Venus)) adds to the signification of wealth and luxuries. You have the Moon in this house; therefore, it is an important house.
Rahu in 2nd House for Aries Ascendant
What does Rahu represent in Vedic Astrology?
- Rahu is a very unsteady and erratic force ruled by obsessive passions and unconcerned with ethical notions of right and wrong. Because of this, Rahu can bring great material progress, though any success gained under its influence is likely to be short-lived.
- Rahu is tricky and sneaky and creates illusions of all kinds.- It especially manifests in one’s compulsions of uncontrollable passions.
What does Aries Ascendant in Astrology signify?
- The native-born in Aries ascendant is thin-bodied, highly speaking fiery.
- Temperamental, rajoguni, arrogant, fickle, intelligent, godly, extremely clever, young-born, high-billed, all-food eater, benevolent, a total lamp possessing little affection or spite against women (if the woman is a woman, men Is less affectionate or spiteful). Its body color is some redness.
- A person born in Aries ascendant has to face physical suffering and loss in the sixth, eighth, fifteenth, twenty-first, twenty-sixth, forty-fifth, forty-fifth, fifty-six, and sixty-third years of his age.
- A person born in Aries ascendant gets various benefits and enjoyment in the sixteenth, twentieth, twenty-seventh, thirty-fourth, forty-first, forty-eight, and fifty-eight years of his life, the attainment of wealth, conveyance, fortune increase, etc.
Prediction of Planets in Various Houses for Aries Ascendant
Sun in Different Houses for Aries Ascendant
Moon in Different Houses for Aries Ascendant:-
Mercury in Different Houses for Aries Ascendant
Venus in Different Houses for Aries Ascendant
Mars in Different Houses for Aries Ascendant
Jupiter in Different Houses for Aries Ascendant
Saturn in Different Houses for Aries Ascendant
Rahu in Different Houses for Aries Ascendant
Ketu in Different Houses for Aries Ascendant
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