Planets in Astrology>Rahu in Astrology

Overcoming Addictions and Obsessions with the Help of Rahu

  • Rahu can help you overcome addiction and obsession
  • The period of transition for each zodiac sign offers plenty of opportunities to learn
  • Astrologers recommend focusing on higher consciousness to make intelligent decisions

The influence of Rahu can be both helpful and harmful, depending on its interaction with the various planetary forces in someone’s horoscope. When it comes to overcoming addictions and obsessions, Rahu can provide some spiritual support. It is associated with free will and the power of choice – the ability to choose between doing something beneficial or harmful. People can use this transformational energy from Rahu to become aware of the patterns causing their addiction or obsession and make positive choices that create a better life for themselves.

The period of transition for each zodiac sign for Rahu lasts 18 months, giving people plenty of opportunities to learn how to identify trigger moments and make intelligent decisions based on higher consciousness. Some astrologers recommend focusing on self-control techniques during the Mahadasha period of Rahu which also lasts 18 years, as these strategies may help them cope better in difficult situations. Ultimately, armed with awareness, direction, and focus – implementing time-tested methods – enthusiastic efforts can be made with help of Rahu in overcoming addictions or obsessions.